GOP congressman resorts to cat memes in Obamacare fight
Would you still like the Affordable Healthcare Act if you learned that Grumpy Cat has had issues with it?
On Oct 23, 2013 by Kevin Collier
BuzzFeed Minus GIFs is Tumblr poetry
You can take the GIFs out of a BuzzFeed post, but you can’t stop someone from making a whole Tumblr about it.
On Oct 18, 2013 by Audra Schroeder
Cory Booker laughs off Twitter stripper scandal
“All right @BuzzFeedBen last time I ever appear in a film with you! Sorry @erinscafe (big smile).”
On Sep 26, 2013 by Justin Franz
Pronunciation Book: The unhappy ending to the Internet’s most suspenseful countdown
After three years of work and 77 days of tense waiting, Pronunciation Book will likely end with neither a bang nor a whimper.
On Sep 24, 2013 by Gaby Dunn
FTC investigates ethics of ads dressed up as sponsored content
The Web’s new business model comes under scrutiny.
On Sep 18, 2013 by Tim Sampson
How ‘hate reads’ are changing Web publishing
We want to have our cake and hate it, too. We want to engage in being enraged.
On Sep 3, 2013 by Audra Schroeder
The new era of Texas political attack ads: Cat GIFs
Is Dan Patrick’s new campaign strategy #OMG or #WTF?
On Aug 16, 2013 by Audra Schroeder
The best dumb reactions to the “ultimate Craigslist missed connection”
Literal or literary? Let the BuzzFeed comment section decide.
On Aug 8, 2013 by Miles Klee
What it takes to get banned from BuzzFeed
Make fun of BuzzFeed enough, and they might just delete your “community contributions.”
On Jul 11, 2013 by Kevin Collier
The #hashtag is dead—long live the #hashtag
Reports of the #hashtag’s death have been greatly #exaggerated.
On Jun 11, 2013 by Kris Holt
Behind FeedBuzz, Weird Twitter’s blistering BuzzFeed parody
How a “throwaway joke” became a platform for Weird Twitter to take BuzzFeed to task.
On Jun 4, 2013 by [email protected]
Quiz: BuzzFeed Community or BuzzFeed staff?
BuzzFeed has launched a new section for community contributions. Can you tell them apart from the BuzzFeed staff’s professional listicles?
On May 8, 2013 by Gaby Dunn
NRCC’s BuzzFeed-inspired site hacked, replaced with Viagra ads
The National Republican Congressional Committee wanted to be more like BuzzFeed. Hackers had a funnier idea.
On May 6, 2013 by Gaby Dunn
Twitter teens subvert #followateen with even better #followanadult
After Buzzfeed encouraged Twitter users to “follow a teen,” teens struck back with the witty #followanadult hashtag.
On May 3, 2013 by Aja Romano
Why is everything on your Facebook feed so happy?
There’s a reason BuzzFeed dominates your newsfeed.
On Mar 22, 2013 by Tim Sampson