Bridesmaid dumped by the bride asks JetBlue for a flight refund
She does NOT want to go to this wedding anymore.
On Jul 27, 2018 by Kris Seavers
Woman says flight attendants joked about man masturbating next to her on plane
The attendants reportedly did not confront the man, allowing him to finish with a child nearby.
On Jul 20, 2018 by Alex Dalbey
Internet harasses ‘Plane Bae’ woman who never asked for exposure in the first place
Like all things on the internet, it turned rotten.
On Jul 9, 2018 by Kris Seavers
This airplane love story Twitter thread is the cutest thing you’ll read today
This is way better than the usual in-flight entertainment.
On Jul 3, 2018 by Kristina Nguyen
How passengers can get sucked out of a damaged airplane
It all comes down to the air pressure inside and outside the plane.
On Apr 18, 2018 by Phillip Tracy
Man builds an exact replica of a Boeing 777—out of paper
This amazing paper airplane is a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance.
On Jan 11, 2018 by David Britton
Here’s why the FAA wants to ban laptops in luggage
It’s all about fire safety.
On Oct 20, 2017 by Christina Bonnington
Watch this fascinating video of the eclipse from an airplane
This is breathtaking.
On Aug 21, 2017 by Nahila Bonfiglio
This Indian airline is letting women grab an aisle seat to avoid manspreading creeps
No longer will you have to be stuck in the middle.
On Aug 1, 2017 by Ana Valens
Woman sitting next to man masturbating on flight says attendants did nothing to help her
The sad reality is, she’s far from alone.
On Jul 14, 2017 by Samantha Grasso
Delta flight attendant breaks wine bottle over belligerent passenger’s head
The tweeted photos of the aftermath are disturbing.
On Jul 8, 2017 by Samantha Grasso
Man arrested after fighting with fellow passenger, choking attendant on plane
‘I’ll kill you!’ the man threatened.
On May 3, 2017 by Samantha Grasso
Watch this American Airlines flight attendant nearly come to blows with passenger after stroller snafu
Yet another airline controversy.
On Apr 22, 2017 by Dahlia Dandashi
Man dragged off United flight is recovering in Chicago hospital
David Dao says he is not doing well.
On Apr 11, 2017 by Anastassia Gliadkovskaya
United CEO apologizes for dragging passenger—after market value tanks
‘I promise you we will do better.’
On Apr 11, 2017 by Samantha Grasso