With its own cryptocurrency, Doge has officially conquered 2013
No portfolio is complete without the canine commodity.
On Dec 10, 2013 by Miles Klee
4chan rigged the Meme of the Year poll to leave a very special message
Brent Rambo approves.
On Dec 10, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III
4chan’s fake Xbox One instructions convince users to brick their systems
The prank purports to “unlock” the console, allowing it to play games designed for the older Xbox 360.
On Dec 7, 2013 by Aja Romano
This is the 4chan user who livestreamed his suicide attempt
The 20-year-old 4chan user who livestreamed his attempted suicide has been identified.
On Dec 4, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III
4chan user sets himself on fire in livestreamed suicide attempt
He told 4chan he was willing to die on camera “for you all.”
On Dec 1, 2013 by Jay Hathaway
Rigging Time’s Person of the Year poll? All in a day’s twerk
Voting for Time’s Person of the Year poll runs for another full week, but it looks like we may already have a winner.
On Nov 26, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III
4chan’s /b/ crowns a new king: Jaden Smith
The 4chan forum home to the Internet’s most deplorable content is obsessed with Will Smith’s weird-tweeting son.
On Nov 23, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III
The best Guy Fawkes masks in Anonymous history
In honor of Halloween and the upcoming Million Mask March, I’ve rooted through my extensive collection of adapted Anonymous masks.
On Oct 31, 2013 by Lorraine Murphy
4chan gets involved in dad’s viral plan to keep his son from skipping class
This dad posted a flier on Facebook, asking anyone who saw his son out of class during the day to call the police.
On Oct 25, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III
4chan’s unironic homage to ‘Lolita’ is a sick fantasy
There are rumors that the Liliad is actually real. If it were, someone would be in jail.
On Oct 19, 2013 by Aja Romano
The Internet’s fascination with big red buttons got bigger
WillYouPresstheButton? forces users in improbable dilemmas to make a choice that even grade schoolers are familiar with.
On Oct 18, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III
4chan’s latest racist vote-rigging prank could net $10,000 for moot
4chan’s rehashing its famous Mountain Dew prank, but this time, the target is Neuro Drinks.
On Oct 11, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III
The most obsessive user in 4chan history
On Monday, the most disturbing thing on 4chan wasn’t a picture of a dead baby. Meet “the archiver.”
A beginner’s guide to 4chan
Here’s everything the ‘New York Times’ won’t tell you about the ‘darkest corner of the web.’
On Oct 7, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III
Is Reddit the reason 4chan raids are failing?
Maybe the 10-year-old troll cesspool has lost its edge. Or maybe there’s another site getting in the way.
On Oct 3, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III