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Wil Wheaton challenges you to a Photoshop battle

For no reason whatsoever, the Star Trek actor is holding an impromptu Photoshop contest on Twitter right now. 


Patrick Howell O'Neill


It’s so, so close to the weekend. As usual, Wil Wheaton sympathizes. For no reason whatsoever, the Star Trek actor is holding an impromptu Photoshop contest on Twitter using his grinning face and a green screen as ammo for remix artists to do their best and worst.

Okay, photoshoppers, get to work. We’re all counting on you.

— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) November 14, 2013

And we’re off. Some  of the responses thus far have been pretty impressive, others look less like Photoshop and more like MSPaint. 


— Dan (@MilkmanDanimal) November 14, 2013


— Max Temkin (@MaxTemkin) November 14, 2013


— Chris Matheson (@misturchris) November 14, 2013

@wilw I’m so sorry for this

— Matthew Parsons (@Fanboy30) November 14, 2013

@wilw hodor hodor hodor hodor

— Reenie (@reendawgg) November 14, 2013

@wilw @TOMayorFord huh, didnt know you liked to party together

— Jeff Maynard (@oddsareihateyou) November 14, 2013

The winner, at least IMHO, has to Jeff Maynard’s photo, which pairs Wheaton with Rob Ford. It tells a beautiful new story about that fateful night that only Photoshop can bring us. Well done.

Photo via Jeff Maynard/Twitter

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