
Ted Cruz scared the bejeezus out of a 3-year-old girl

The only thing we have to fear is Ted himself.

Photo of Eric Geller

Eric Geller

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Ted Cruz has taken fear-mongering to the next level.

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The Texas Republican senator and likely 2016 presidential candidate was giving a speech in the early primary state of New Hampshire when he took a tangent that may have permanently scarred a young child in the audience.

According to the Washington Post:

At one point, Cruz spoke about the “Obama-Clinton foreign policy of leading from behind,” and said the world is on fire. A young girl in the crowd immediately said aloud, “The world is on fire?” Cruz looked at the girl, Julie Trant, 3, who was sitting with her mother, Michelle. “Yes, the world is on fire,” Cruz said. “Your world is on fire.” He then told Julie that her mommy is here and that they are all trying to make the world better for her as the crowd applauded.


Blessedly, there is video of Cruz’s talk.

Maybe next time, Sen. Cruz shouldn’t demagogue quite so hard. We can only imagine what young Julie Trant will see when she closes her eyes at night. Then again, deploying this strategy in every speech would be a great way to stand out from the crowded Republican presidential field.

Cruz 2016: Your World Is On Fire.


Screengrab via Zane Andrew/YouTube