
Watch as the Slow Mo Guys add heat to batteries in an explosive experiment

It’s like the space shuttle taking off.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

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While adding heat to batteries in order to make them explode seems like a horrendous idea if you’re out in your own backyard, that doesn’t mean it’s not cool as hell to watch somebody else do it. Thank goodness, then, for the Slow Mo Guys, whose latest video shows them heating up batteries and then recording what happens.

Yes, it’s hilarious to watch the duo struggle to even open the package of batteries at the start, but once they get their experiment set up, the payoff is explosive.

Remember kids (and everybody else), don’t try this at home. But if you feel the need to risk battery acid burns, make sure you wear a mask to protect your face. Those batteries jump high when heat is added and, if you’re using AA batteries, they take off like a space shuttle launch.

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