
The best ‘Rick and Morty’ lines from last night’s episode, GIFed

Initiating quote mode.

Photo of Monica Riese

Monica Riese

Morty spaghetti

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Rick and Morty season 3, episode 2, “Rickmancing the Stone.”

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Did you hear that?

Rick and Morty blood dome
GIF via Adult Swim

That’s the sound of millions of Rick and Morty fans rejoicing the return of the Adult Swim hit. Season 3 episode 2 dropped last night, and tons of people tuned in to watch Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon’s twist on a Mad Max universe where Rick, Morty, and Summer came to terms with Beth and Jerry’s divorce in appropriately gory ways.


Today some folks are playing catchup after facing technical difficulties with Adult Swim’s livestream, while others are gleefully watching the episode for the third, fourth, or fifth time. Watch the full episode here, and be sure to keep an ear out for these fan-favorite lines.

1) “Losers look stuff up while the rest of us are out carpin’ all them diems.”

carpe diem
GIF via Adult Swim

2) “Looossseeerrrrr”

Jerry Smith loser
GIF via Adult Swim

3) “Sum-Sum, let’s go! Grandpa’s concern for your safety is fleeting!”

sum sum, grandpa's concern for your safety is fleeting
GIF via Adult Swim

4) “Your blood will be my lotion!”

your blood will be my lotion
GIF via Adult Swim

5) “Let’s be post-apocalyptic scavenger-[belch]-errrrsss!”

Let's be post-apocalyptic scavengers!

6) “Save it for the Semantics Dome, E.B.White.” “Ooh, burn!”

eb white wink
GIF via Adult Swim

7) “My body is chrome! My blood is gasoline!” “Nope, regular blood.”

My blood is gasoline
GIF via Adult Swim

8) “Quote mode.”

Morty in quote mode
GIF via Adult Swim

9) “My sister died in the spaghetti.”

Summer died in the spaghetti
GIF via Adult Swim

10) “We will return… possibly in different clothing.”

different clothing
GIF via Adult Swim

11) “I am ALIVE!”

Morty is alive
GIF via Adult Swim

12) “Hey, who wants to go run in a stream?” “What the fuck?! No.”

who wants to go run in a stream
GIF via Adult Swim

13) [referring to hookers] “Is that what they are?”

Jerry learns about hookers
GIF via Adult Swim

14) “Unless… my suffering is your nourishment?”

Jerry's suffering is the wolf's nourishment
GIF via Adult Swim