
This mom-to-be rocking a Deadpool suit is our new favorite superhero

Pregpool is our new favorite superhero.

Photo of Sarah Weber

Sarah Weber

pregnant deadpool

Want to talk about maximum effort? Look no further than this very pregnant Deadpool fan who shimmied into a red and black jumpsuit to watch Deadpool 2.

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A guy going by the handle SolidAsSnake on Reddit shared a photo Friday morning of his wife dressed head-to-toe as Deadpool with the caption, “My wife is 39 weeks pregnant and she really wants to see Deadpool 2.” This awesome mama isn’t just dressed like Merc with the Mouth. She’s self-proclaimed Pregpool, and she’s clearly loving it.

Fellow redditors congratulated the geeky parents-to-be and wished them luck on Babypool not making an appearance until after the movie.




The post also sparked a bunch of movie-related birth stories, including babies who decided to make their debuts during screenings of Star Wars flicks, Mars Attacks, and even Man of Steel. (That last baby must be a Marvel fan—or perhaps they just predicted the movie’s mediocre 55 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.) Redditors even brought up the sweat-inducing tale of how Late Night host Seth Meyers and his wife Alexi Ashe recently welcomed their second baby boy in the lobby of their apartment building. Everything turned out fine, but births involving public spaces and firefighters are never ideal.

Fortunately a few hours after SolidAsSnake’s post, he reported back that they had successfully watched the movie without incident. “UPDATE! Movie over,” he wrote. “We loved it. She’s not in labor yet.”

If there’s one thing we know, it’s that whenever Babypool does arrive, he or she going to be in good hands. Any mom dedicated enough to put on a Deadpool jumpsuit just six days before her due date is a total badass.


H/T Reddit