
This Lego tape turns anything into a Lego-friendly surface

Lego-compatible tape will change your home forever.

Photo of Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Nimuno Lego tape

Lego compatible tape is such a great idea, we’re amazed it’s not an official Lego product already.

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Nimuno’s Lego tape is an adhesive plastic strip with Lego bumps on one side. It allows you to turn anything into a Lego compatible surface, from walls to toys to your own body.

This video shows the product in action.


The tape is being crowdfunded on Indiegogo, where you can order a couple of rolls for $11. Nimuno already reached its original goal with a month to go, so this toy is clearly as popular as you’d expect.


ALSO WATCH: Flexo makes Legos bendable
