
In ‘Nefarious,’ you’re the villain holding the princess hostage

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep the pricess from being rescued. 

Photo of Imad Khan

Imad Khan

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Indie designer Josh Hano has a new game with a twist that turns an old trope on its head.

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Nefarious, currently being funded on Kickstarter, has gamers playing as a villain that has to kidnap the princess. The goal is to keep the princess away from the hero and thwart his plans to save her. 

In most games, when the princess is kidnapped, we only see half the story—the side where the hero is running and trying to save her. What’s going on with the villain and the princess. Do they go on dinner dates? Watch Netflix? Or do some weird roleplaying where the princess acts as the villain’s mother to makeup for his lack of a matronly figure while growing up?


The best part about Nefarious? You know those epic boss fights traditionally at the end of each level? Since you’re the villain, you get to be in the giant mechanized beast trying to stop the hero.

A release date has yet to be set, but the game will release on PC, Mac, Linux, and Wii U, assuming it reaches its funding. At press time, Nefarious has raised $17,819 of its $50,000 goal with 23 days to go. 

Screengrab via NefariousGame

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