Imagine your orthodontist (or anyone who you trust with personal medical or dental information) telling everyone about an emergency visit involving Black Panther. Now imagine that post going viral on Tumblr, and then on Twitter. You have two options: ignore it, or own up to it. A teenager named Sophia picked the latter.
This story begins on Tumblr, where an orthodontist who goes by the username nitramaraho replied to a post that showed two GIFs of Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger in Black Panther (one in normal clothing, one without a shirt one). The post was captioned: “get you a man who can do both.”
Nitramaraho replied with a great story: “one of my patients came in for an emergency visit, because she snapped the wire on her retainer watching the movie when MBJ took his shirt off she clenched her teeth so fucking hard she snapped it. that is the fucking funniest shit ever to me this tiny 17 year old girl thirsting so goddamn hard she busted steel.”
The Tumblr post made it to Twitter, where it amassed thousands of retweets and likes.
And then the 17-year-old mentioned in the post, Sophia, saw it. She revealed her identity in a hilarious response to the tweet: “Wait. That girl is me. This is my orthodontist’s tumblr. This is a post about me? I’m going to kill myself.”
Wait. That girl is me. That is my orthodontist’s tumblr. This is a post about me? I’m going to kill myself
— sophie (@sewpheea) March 5, 2018
However, Sophia made it clear in follow-up tweets that her orthodontist is great and she is not trying to shame him.
this is litterally my orthodontist and he’s the chillest person i have ever met even though he eXPOSED ME ON THE INTERNET
— sophie (@sewpheea) March 5, 2018
She even shared memes about her story:
I hate y’all
— sophie (@sewpheea) March 6, 2018
Other Michael B. Jordan fans related to Sophia’s reaction to seeing the actor in Black Panther.
The most relatable thing ever. We’ve all busted steel fangirling over someone, you’re not alone in this
— Blueberry Baby (@jastheambivert) March 5, 2018
Sophia tweeted that busting her retainer was “worth it” for Jordan.
Of all people, @michaelb4jordan was worth it and I hope he sees this
— sophie (@sewpheea) March 5, 2018
The orthodontist wrote a new post on Tumblr saying he did not violate HIPAA because he did not reveal her identifying info. Sophia did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Jordan, the ball is in your court now.
Update 5:31pm CT, March 6: Jordan has officially responded to the retainer mayhem. He offered to chip in for Sophia’s broken retainer, likely inducing “aww”s and jaw clenching across the country.
Sophia’s father, Charlie Robb, also tweeted to assure Twitter that the family has plenty of money to replace his daughter’s retainer should she need it after she sees Jordan’s next film.
Robb added that Sophia is “OK,” as it seems concerned followers were calling the police since her original tweet joked (admittedly crassly) “I’m going to kill myself” after she realized her orthodontist’s post was about her.
Sophia has since issued an update to her problematic tweet.
is this better
— sophie (@sewpheea) March 6, 2018