
Genius builder constructs an entire Lego Millennium Falcon with no kit

This ‘Star Wars’ fan built a beautifully unique model.

Photo of Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

lego millennium falcon

You think you’ve seen impressive Star Wars Lego models? Think again. This Lego Millennium Falcon is a true masterpiece, built from multicolored blocks instead of following a standard kit.

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Built by Star Wars fan Mike Marrocco , you can check out a detailed gallery of images here. The project apparently took 25 hours to complete and used about $500 of multicolored Lego blocks.

lego millennium


lego millennium falcon

As you can tell from these photos, it’s ridiculously detailed—including some improvised pieces replacing rare parts you only get in the official Millennium Falcon kits. Speaking to io9, Marrocco explained how he achieved the model’s multicolored appearance.

“First I found the parts list online and counted up how many of each piece I’d need. Then I went on and bought everything while trying to select the brightest colors I could (cost permitting). I needed to buy from five or six sellers to get everything.”

So while he did follow existing instructions for building an accurate Millennium Falcon, he wound up with a totally unique model. The results are stunning! And very much in keeping with the “real” Falcon’s much-mended aesthetic.


H/T to io9