
Watch Jack-Jack do his thing in the new ‘The Incredibles 2’ trailer

Jack-Jack attack attacks.

Photo of Samantha Grasso

Samantha Grasso

The 'Incredibles 2' is here and Jack Jack has powers.

The new The Incredibles 2 trailer is here, and we still can’t tell exactly what Jack-Jack, the littlest Parr family member, can—or, more appropriately, can’t—do.

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In the first film The Incredibles, released in 2004, audiences saw Jack-Jack turn into a ball of fire, become bulletproof by turning himself into metal, and shape shift into a lizard-baby. Oh, and levitate and teleport. And shoot laser beams out of his eyes. Yeah, Jack-Jack is one tough baby.

Now in this new trailer for the second film, which DisneyPixar tweeted on Saturday, Jack-Jack seems to have a bit more of a handle on the laser eyes.


However, it looks like all it takes is a simple itchy nose for him to go fire-lightning-bolt-laser-beam haywire on his father. Sorry, Mr. Incredible, you’re on your own.

The Incredibles 2 will be in theaters June 15, 2018. Disney-Pixar fans can look forward to Coco and another Toy Story film, too.


Watch the clearer, high-definition trailer down below: