Growing up, I didn’t watch the same movies or TV shows other kids did. While most of you were watching Goonies and playing Metroid, I was watching sports films and playing with an abacus. My mother was not born in the U.S., and my dad was an athlete who wasn’t into science fiction.
So here I am: 32 with huge gaps in my geek knowledge. The best thing to do with this pop culture deficit? Launch a YouTube show, of course.
We are excited to introduce The Geek Awakens! Every week, I’ll experience a piece of iconic geek history for the first time, and I want you to come with me. If you like nostalgia and laughing, watch the first three episodes right here:
There are three rules for owning a mogwai, but please don’t tell me how to live my life.
My geek friends told me I have to watch Blade Runner, and I was like, “Harrison Ford and Daryl Hannah? Awesome, I love rom-coms!”
We hope you enjoy the new show. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss an episode. Or, if you’re more of a Facebook person, like The Geek Awakens Facebook page. We’ll publish all new episodes there too, along with behind-the-scenes photos, updates, and surprises. We love hearing from you, so be sure to leave us a comment wherever you watch.
What should I watch, play, or read next? What do you like about the show? What should we change?
Help me Internet. You’re my only hope.