With great power comes great responsibility—and killer dance moves.
Chris Hemsworth tweeted on Wednesday a preview of some of those moves as he and his three children rocked out to Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball.”
Although it’s been a few years since the height of the song’s popularity (and meme-ability), it’s easy to see just why it made such huge waves when utter enthusiasm meets the family’s excitable dog. And as Hemsworth’s tagging shows, there’s a family connection as well; his younger brother Liam is dating Cyrus.
What started as a ground breaking music video ended in a savage attack by a cowardly K9. Never work with Kids or Animals. #wreckingball #wreckingdog #daddydaycare #murderonthedancefloor @mileycyrus @liamhemsworth pic.twitter.com/1xuNLd3xdQ
— Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) May 24, 2018
He even got the ultimate approval from Cyrus herself.
— Miley Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) May 24, 2018
@chrishemsworth pic.twitter.com/Z2PJqEkRdr
Back to those dance moves. Is this how the Avengers stop Thanos? After all, it worked for the Guardians of the Galaxy.
H/T Mashable