
Bad Lip Reading takes on ‘Star Wars,’ the only way it knows how

The space opera gets a proper showstopper.

Photo of Michelle Jaworski

Michelle Jaworski

bad lip reading star wars

Bad Lip Reading’s created numerous eccentric Star Wars dubs over the years, but its latest venture into that vast galaxy might be its greatest yet.

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The focus is mostly on A New Hope (with flashes of Rogue One and Empire Strikes Back) as classic villain Grand Moff Tarkin finally takes off his Galactic Empire boots to belt out a tune. He’s both trying to intimidate and impress Leia, who’s not exactly having his suave moves. And neither is the crew of the Millennium Falcon, offering a similar chorus to what’s actually said in the movie.

The song is almost guaranteed to put a hop in your step, and while you can never truly replace John Williams’ iconic score this would fit right into a retro-style Star Wars musical.
