
Get inspired with this incredible anime character generator

Become an anime creator using AI!

Photo of Tiffanie Drayton

Tiffanie Drayton

Always wanted to be an anime creator, but perhaps never had the artistic chops? MakeGirlsMoe, a new website by a pair of researchers, allows you to generate professional-looking anime characters with AI—and the results are captivating.

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A 10-minute video uploaded to YouTube shows the tech in action, as it continually morphs nine frames of anime characters into new ones every second. Users can even generate customized looks by selecting characteristics including hair color and style, eye color, and other identifying features. While there are already some pretty cool projects out there that generate anime, this one generates high-quality images.

Last month, the internet was stunned to see a similar trick using AI, when Nvidia (a chip company) released a paper and video showing that the technology can create super realistic-looking images of fake celebrities. To make the photos, the researchers used a generative adversarial network (GAN), a system of two networks. With a bit of teamwork, these networks are able to produce photos that look too good to be fake—but actually are.


H/T Gizmodo

The Daily Dot