
‘You ever hate your job so much that one day you just print out a two weeks’ notice at your desk?’: Worker envisions printing fake two weeks’ notice

‘They don’t give two weeks’ notice when they fire us, so they don’t deserve two weeks notice when we quit.’

Photo of Tiffanie Drayton

Tiffanie Drayton

Person explains how he did a Two weeks notice fake printout

The decision to quit a job may brew for months—leaving ample time to give an employer notice—or simply spring out of nowhere. 

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That sentiment led Kai (@yeahitskaiii) to make a viral video in which he envisioned what it might look like to quit without warning—even if it meant potentially lying to his employer. As of Monday morning, his video had amassed over 1.2 million views. 

“You ever hate your job so much that one day you just print out a two weeks’ notice at your desk?” he questioned.

@kaicomedy #workproblems #workthisway ♬ Cupid – Twin Ver. (FIFTY FIFTY) – Sped Up Version – sped up 8282

In his hypothetical, Kai claimed that the gambit would include dating the letter two weeks before the actual date so that he could “quit” on the very same day. 

“Slip it under a pile of papers on your boss’s desk right before you go to lunch and say, ‘Hey, did you get my notice a couple weeks ago?’” he said. “And then leave for lunch and never come back.”

The Daily Dot has reached out to Kai via TikTok comment. As of publication, it was unclear where he’s employed and/or whether he’s attempted this trick previously. 

Still, commenters mostly agreed with Kai’s tactics and even shared their own quitting stories.


“They don’t give two weeks’ notice when they fire us, so they don’t deserve two weeks notice when we quit,” one said.

“I put up a ‘back in 5 min’ sign at a bar I worked at and never went back,” another user wrote.

“I gave two weeks’ notice once and they let me go a week early,” a third viewer said. “Never again. Just walking out.”

The Daily Dot