A Colorado Walmart employee vented his frustration with store managers in a viral video posted to TikTok.
“When the lines are longer [than] a mf but the managers are too good to hop on a register,” user @young.migo25 wrote in the text overlay of his May 7 video, which has been viewed nearly 5,000 times as of Saturday.
@young.migo25 #retail #groceryshopping ♬ original sound – yoinspiration
A viral TikTok video posted by user Rocio Najera (@rocionajera), which has since been removed from the site, similarly criticized Starbucks managers for not helping during the store’s busy hours, leaving baristas to deal with long lines.
“POV: The lazy shift supervisor acting busy in the back while we’re struggling in the front with a line to the door,” Najera’s video was captioned.
Young.migo25 often posts content about his job at Walmart. In another video posted on May 10, he described helping customers with large orders right before he’s scheduled to leave work.
“It’s five minutes before you get off and that one customer with two overflowing carts comes to your register and they start to make jokes about how much stuff they have,” the video’s text overlay read.
“Oh but every Walmart ever only needs one checkout lane and six cashiers at self checkout,” user Shaelyn Hake commented under the original video.
“Girl I just work here,” young.migo25 replied.
“Literally me on my first day at Big Lots as a teen and the manager comes to YELL AT ME for having a long line???????” another user revealed.
The Daily Dot reached out to @young.migo25 via TikTok comment.