Every job comes with its own perks, and those little bonuses matter more to you if you’re not exactly earning a lot of money. For instance, if you’re scrounging for tips as a server in a restaurant that offers good food, you’re probably going to want and try and finagle free meals when you can.
Or, if you’re this TJ Maxx/Marshalls employee, having the unique opportunity to scope out the store’s premier finds before anyone else could be seen as a massive perk. It gives you the upper hand when it comes to getting discounted swag for yourself, your loved ones, or even a reselling account you’ve set up in order to turn some hefty profits.
However, TikTok user Rori (@reinventingrori) went viral after “exposing” a worker at the popular discount chain. Numerous commenters defended the worker, stating that they’ve done the same at their own places of employment, while others chalked up the “first dibs” hoarding to worker privilege.
@reinventingrori #screammovie #VozDosCriadores between employees and resellers we out here with nothing I seen this many times and know people who work at these stores that confirm it. Tks tks tks #tjmaxx #marshalls #halloweenmusthaves #hellokittyhalloweenblanket #hellokitty #resellers #tjmaxxmusthaves #marshallsmusthaves #sanrio #hkhalloween ♬ Sneaky Friends – Eitan Epstein Music
In Rori’s video, which shows a TJ Maxx/Marshalls worker pushing a cart full of items throughout the store, a voiceover says, “When I tell you TJ Maxx and Marshalls employees be taking the viral stuff.”
Another text overlay in the clip, revealing the nature of the TikToker’s discovery, reads, “I was there at 9am and no blankets. 5 mins later, lady stopped to tell her supervisor who was stocking items to tell him what shifts she can work.”
Rori slows down the video and zooms in to reveal the blankets in the employee’s cart that she’s referring to.”But y’all don’t want to believe me,” she adds.
She adds in a caption that this type of employee behavior really grinds her gears.
“Between employees and resellers we out here with nothing I seen this many times and know people who work at these stores that confirm it. Tks tks tks,” she wrote.
One commenter who said they were a formal Marshall’s worker claimed they engaged in the same practice.
“As a formal Marshall employee we had a rack where employees put stuff they wanted once they clocked out we would have another employee on the clock bring out the rack so we can purchase the items,” they said.
Another person wrote, “If I WORK for a company best belive I’m taking all the good stuff before anyone else can get it lmao.”
Someone else simply said, “Why can’t they??” while another wrote, “I would too. I work at Starbucks and we buy the good cups before we put the rest out. The perks of the job.”
Comment after comment highlighted a similar attitude towards this employee privilege attitude pertaining to folks getting their hands on items before customers. One user stated, “I worked there and yes we get first dips lmao.”
Though it’s unknown whether the employees are actually keeping the products for themselves, there are social media Influencers who have accounts dedicated to the ways they’ve earned a living reselling items from retailers like Marshalls, delineating exactly how they go about doing so.
The Daily Dot has contacted TJ Maxx and Marshalls via email and @reinventingrori via TikTok comment.