Uber Eats is supposed to be an easy alternative to make dinner simple in exchange for a convenience fee, but one customer warns that isn’t always the case.
Tanya (@tanyabeautycoach) says the night of her grandmother’s funeral, her family decided to order dinner from Uber Eats. After placing the order, Tanya says she canceled it within one minute after realizing she forgot to add a meal. When she submitted the revised order, Tanya says she called the restaurant and confirmed that everything was OK. But Uber Eats disagreed.
“About five minutes later, I get a message from Uber saying they charged me $87,” Tanya says in her video, which has received over 23,000 views as of Monday. “I just got massively scammed by Uber.”
In her attempt to secure a refund, Tanya says she spoke to three agents that wouldn’t agree to give her back the money or Uber Eats credit for her first order.
“I’ve asked to speak to a supervisor. I did everything possible to try to escalate this,” Tanya continues. “No. It was like an AI or something that just kept writing the same stuff.”
Tanya emphasizes that the restaurant was kind during the conflict, and she recommends viewers “forget Uber” and just call and order from the restaurant directly.
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In a follow-up video, Tanya continues to chronicle her fight against the three Uber Eats agents she spoke with. Again, Tanya says she asked to speak with a supervisor, but “they were just like ignoring what I’m saying.”
“I even mentioned what’s the point of having a cancellation button if you do not refund people, or at least when you click the cancellation button, say ‘if you cancel now, you won’t get a refund.’ Nowhere does it say this,” Tanya argues.
Soon, Tanya says the restaurant came to her aid. When the restaurant owner called Uber Eats, Tanya says the owner also faced resistance. But after some debate, Tanya says the owner secured a refund. The Daily Dot reached out to Tanya via Instagram direct message.
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Tanya’s experience is one of many. Late last year, one Uber Eats customer said the company overcharged him $57 and never returned the money. Uber Eats denied another customer a refund for the food she said never made it to her house.
Viewers in the commenters shared their own Uber Eats woes.
“I had this happen to me,” one user wrote. “Was never refunded. Cancelled my acct, my acct still shows I owe them although canceled w/in a minute.”
And for those in the comments who did get refunds, many needed to persist “relentlessly” or involve credit card companies.
“Money is getting tight for the corrupt now,” another viewer said. “So they’re thieving in broad daylight. I’m sorry for your family’s loss.”