
‘Only about a quarter of them are actually used’: Target shopper calls out store for taking up good parking spaces for drive-up orders

‘They really don’t want us here huh.’

Photo of Stace Fernandez

Stace Fernandez

target shopper calls out store for taking up good spaces for drive-up orders

In a trending TikTok video, a Target customer called out the retailer for marking more and more parking spots as pick-up order spots.

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In the video, creator @user10765382019374 films the parking lot of her local Target. About a dozen of the spots closest to the Target entrance are marked and reserved for “Drive Up” orders.

“Target after installing 20+ drive up spots when in reality only about a quarter of them are actually used,” the text overlay on the video reads. “They really don’t want us here huh.”

The spots are numbered, and based on the video, the TikToker’s local target has at least 23 reserved spots.

@user10765382019374 Why do I feel like it had to w theft #targetdriveupfail #fyp ♬ EverybodyMakesMistakes – Jason

Target’s Drive Up orders allow customers to choose and pay for their items through the Target app, get notified when their order is ready, and have their order delivered to their car for free—eliminating the need to go into the store and shop for the items themselves.

Soon, customers across the nation will even be able to make Target returns without the need to leave their cars, Forbes reported. The retailer did a test run for Drive Up returns in Minneapolis and intends to roll out the program to 2,000 stores by the end of the summer.

Pick-up orders boomed in popularity during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and have remained a part of the shopping experience.


The shopper’s video has garnered more than 215,000 views and nearly to 250 comments as of Monday afternoon.

“Why do I feel like it had to w theft,” @user10765382019374 speculated in the caption.

Commenters reported varied experiences with how full the Drive Up spots tend to be at their own Target locations.

“Ours are always full even after they added some,” one person said.


“My target has 25! At most I’ve seen 6 cars there,” another wrote.

“Mine has like 20 and they’re almost always full,” a third commenter noted.

A Drive Up order enthusiast shared that they find the service to be quite convenient. “My target only has about 8 of them,” they wrote. “I do drive up about 90% of the time now and I love it. I can order at work and pick up on the way home.”

Another person insinuated that the TikToker should just use the Drive Up spots as regular parking spots if they’re having trouble finding parking. “I just park in them and shop normally lol,” they admitted.


While one commenter was confused about why the premium spots are used for Drive Up, it’s likely to make the process more efficient for the employees coming out with customer orders.

The Daily Dot reached out to @user10765382019374 via TikTok comment and to Target via email.

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