
‘Are you sure? Your sandwich is a baguette’: Panera customer says worker ‘food-shamed’ her when ordering You Pick Two

‘I didn’t realized I was at Panera Apple, thought I was at Panera BREAD.’

Photo of Stace Fernandez

Stace Fernandez

Panera customer says worker ‘food-shamed’ her when ordering You Pick Two

A Panera Bread customer got shamed into changing her food order after the cashier questioned why she wanted more bread in addition to the sandwich she’d just ordered. Viewers are on the customer’s side.

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Many people have strong food opinions, but they’re usually polite enough not to voice them to strangers, especially not when they’re the server or cashier taking a person’s meal order. Who wants to be judged for the food they’re paying for?

Well, that’s what happened to Francesca (@francesca.talks) when she went into her local Panera Bread.

“I got food shamed at Panera today,” Francesca says in a viral TikTok clip.


Francesca explains that she doesn’t usually eat at the chain restaurant, but she popped in for lunch that day for the pick-two option—this gives people the option to mix and match a combination of two soups, sandwiches, or salads.

After Francesca ordered her sandwich and salad, the cashier gave her the option to get a side. She can choose between a bag of chips, a salad, or a baguette.

“I say naturally, ‘A baguette,’” Francesca notes.

The cashier gave her a dead stare for a solid five seconds (it was a heavy silence according to Francesca) and asked, “Are you sure? Your sandwich is a baguette.”


At this point, it’s still possible to give the cashier the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she just wanted to flag the double bread choice to Francesca for some reason.

“I’m sorry, I actually don’t remember asking you,” Francesca said in her head.

She ended up laughing it off while now questioning her decision in her head because of the cashier’s comment.

But then, any benefit of the doubt towards the cashier is gone when they tell Francesca she could instead get the apple. “An apple sounds nice,” the cashier told her, nudging her toward the produce option.


“An apple sounds nice? To you, to you, it sounds nice. To me, the bread sounded nice,” Francesca says.

Shamed into changing her mind, Francesca responded: “I’ll take the apple.”

The video has garnered over a quarter of a million views and nearly 500 comments as of Thursday morning.

@francesca.talks she humbled me real quick #storytime #funnystory #panera #girls #relatable #food #awkward #embarrassing ♬ Surround Sound – JID

People had lots to say in the comments.

“Mam oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was at Panera Apple, thought I was at Panera BREAD,” a top comment read.

Some said that they also opt for the baguette every time and prefer to load up on carbs.”My go to panera order is a sandwich, mac and cheese, and a baguette i treat it like im carb loading for the olympics,” they wrote.

“I’ve ordered soup in a bread bowl with a baguette on the side,” a viewer shared.


Others pointed out that the problem is that they carry the internet’s most hated apple.

“Maybe if they carried a different apple rather than a RED DELICIOUS. If it were honeycrisp maybe,” one user said.

The Daily Dot reached out to Francesca for comment via email.