
‘Everybody knows that Olive Garden steaks are just grilled, steak flavored bubblegum’: Olive Garden manager roasts customer for ordering steak, complaining that it’s too small

‘Dude, this is Olive Garden, like we’re not out here butchering fresh cows in the back.’

Photo of Stace Fernandez

Stace Fernandez

Olive Garden manager speaking in car (l) Olive Garden sign on building (c) Olive Garden manager speaking in car (r)

An Olive Garden worker is going viral after sharing a storytime about a customer who had increasingly high expectations for the casual Italian chain restaurant.

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Kellie (@ambryrae), who seems to be a manager at Olive Garden, started off by sharing that she had to go over to talk to a table after a customer verbatim told one of her servers that his steak was “too damn small.”

As she walked over to the table, Kellie noticed that the person in question had a chef jacket on. It immediately raised a red flag for her because when fellow restaurant workers dine out, they can be “the most annoying people,” she says.

Before she’s able to get a word in, the man tells her that someone needs to oversee the restaurant’s chef because his steak is cut too small.


“I hesitate for a quick second because I don’t want to tell this man, ‘Dude, this is Olive Garden, like we’re not out here butchering fresh cows in the back. Like, these joints were just sent off the truck, frozen yesterday,’” she recalls.

@ambryrae Everybody knows that Olive Garden steaks are just grilled, steak flavored bubblegum….. #restaurant #manager #foodservice #steak #serverlife #serverproblems #storytime ♬ original sound – Kellie With A *IE*

Instead of saying all of that, Kellie apologizes for the fact that the man isn’t enjoying his meal due to the size of his steak, explains that he was served the 6 oz cut he asked for, and adds that she’s happy to bring him out another portion that he will be charged for.

The man insists that he shouldn’t be charged for the chef’s mistake and claims that it’s standard procedure to send out portions bigger than what’s advertised on the menu. He also judged the restaurant for serving pasta with steak (he would have preferred rice).


“It’s an Italian-themed restaurant,” Kellie points out in her head.

The man wasn’t having it, and instead of bending to his will Kellie said the following:

“In the event that you decide to readjust your expectations, please call me back over here and I’ll be more than happy to assist you. Take all the time you need to enjoy your six-ounce sirloin,” she told him.

The video has more than 370,000 views and over a thousand comments.


“Everybody knows that Olive Garden steaks are just grilled, steak flavored bubblegum,” she wrote in the caption.

This isn’t the first time the manager vented on TikTok about work. She regularly creates content regarding the restaurant and service industry for 145,000 followers. In another video, Kellie shared that in over a decade of working in the service industry, she’s noticed that it’s men who complain the most. She also previously shared another story about an Olive Garden customer who refused to pay for club soda.

In the comments section, several viewers were stuck on the fact that the man wore his chef jacket to Olive Garden of all places.

“Who wears their chef jacket to Olive Garden?? What are you trying to prove here bro?” a person asked.


Others said he went wrong from the beginning by ordering steak at an Italian spot.

“I didnt even know olive garden had steak on the menu who orders steak at a chain italian restaurant,” another commenter wrote.

The Daily Dot reached out to Kellie via TikTok comment and to Olive Garden via email.

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