Main Character of the Week is a weekly column that tells you the most prominent “main character” online (good or bad). It runs on Fridays in the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter. If you want to get this column a day before we publish it, subscribe to web_crawlr, where you’ll get the daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.
Here’s the Trending team’s main character of the week.
It’s the driver who lucked out on two fronts: They got a new whip for only $2 and purchased not just any car—a Toyota Corolla from the early aughts.
If you’re like me, you probably did a double-take when you saw how cheap that car was. That wasn’t a typo. Of course, the car isn’t perfect, but it should last its new owner a few more years, according to one expert.
That’s because Corollas are some of the most reliable cars. Plus, this particular one was equipped with a 1.8L engine, which Scotty Kilmer (@scottykilmer.car) says “can last forever.”
Kilmer, a 71-year-old car guru, says in a recent TikTok video that you should never get rid of your Toyota Corolla, no matter its condition. To prove his point, he showed viewers the $2 car he says a customer recently purchased. While it had its flaws—the car “makes noise” and had a sick “minion paint job,” among other things—Kilmer says he’d have kept this car forever if it were his.
Why’s that?
Kilmer suggests he’s a fan of this particular Corolla because of its engine. Other drivers and car experts agree that the 1.8L engines, in particular, can last for hundreds of thousands of miles.
In an October 2022 forum for Ford drivers, one commenter said the 1.8L engine has “an amazing amount of life in it.” They singled out the fact that these engines are “designed to be turbocharged,” which means they’re meant to drive long distances for long periods of time.
Of course, you still have to take care of your car’s engine—routine oil changes are an important part of your car’s lifespan. But these are still among some of the best.
Toyota Corollas are built to last a long, long time
Toyota Corollas sure are getting a lot of love this week. Beyond Kilmer, a second woman says she bought a 1997 Toyota Corolla for roughly $6,000 and says she “loves” her car.
There’s a reason why so many Corolla drivers are happy with their purchases, though.
As the Daily Dot has reported previously, Corollas are considered top-notch vehicles due to their affordability, fuel efficiency, and reliability. (If you think $6,000 is cheap for a nearly 30-year car, consider the fact that some commenters said they bought even newer models for under $1,000.)
Meanwhile, several TikTok users say they can attest to Toyota Corollas’ longevity. In the comments section of Kilmer’s video, one user says they’ve had two Corollas—one that they kept for 20 years and a second that lasted them for 178,000 miles.
The reason these cars often last years—if not decades—is because the manufacturer puts an emphasis on materials that prioritize efficiency and minimize waste.
In other words, if whoever bought that $2 Corolla can look past the car’s bad paint job and bolted–on license plate, they might’ve just found a vehicle that will last the rest of their lives.
“Great[est] model ever,” one user commented under Kilmer’s video.
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