
‘This Las Vegas scam and hustle is huge and it’s designed to get tourists’: Travel expert warns about fake marijuana dispensaries on Strip

Photo of Mars Ramos

Mars Ramos

Woman standing behind display case at Las Vegas strip that sells fake weed

As the legalization of cannabis in certain states has sparked a tourist industry, one Las Vegas influencer reminds us to be extra careful of scams and misleading marketing.

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In the video, TikTok user Jen (@vegasstarfish), a well-known Las Vegas influencer with more than 1 million followers, breaks down how some stores in the city are scamming tourists into thinking they are buying THC products that will get them high. 

@vegasstarfish Another huge Las Vegas scam and hustle are the fake shops on the Blvd and Downtown on Fremont Street meant to look like they’re selling real products but are really intentionally deceiving tourists. #vegas #lasvegas #vegasstarfish #vegashustle #vegasscam #vegaslocals #wheretogoinvegas #whattodoinlasvegas #vegastiktok #vegassecrets #vegasvacation ♬ Spooky music box bell horror BGM – Notzan ACT

“This Las Vegas scam and hustle is huge and it’s designed to get tourists,” Jen explains. “See this shop? There is an implication that they’re going to be selling a certain kind of product that is legal here. None of these products are controlled substances, they are meant to look like they are but they’re fake. You can buy these products at a gas station. There is nothing but hemp in them. But the security would imply that this is a real deal. They use really deceptive signage,” Jen explains.


Jen shows viewers shops in Fremont Street and on the city’s famous strip, the Boulevard. But according to Jen, in Clark County where the Boulevard is located, you are not allowed to sell non-hemp cannabis products within 15 feet of a casino. Clark County’s health district website confirms this: “Other places where cannabis is not allowed include but are not limited to: Las Vegas Strip (all venues, attractions, and public areas), Fremont Street Experience (all venues, attractions, and public areas).”

Hemp and marijuana belong to the same species, but differ in the level of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, found in the plant. Hemp typically does not contain enough THC to create the “high” associated with marijuana.

The video has accumulated more than 1 million views and 1,500 comments. 

Viewers in the comments share how they have personally been scammed by these stores and echo how these are not real dispensaries. 


“You can’t even buy if you have kids in the car at curbside. Dispensaries have very strict rules, at least the one I go to,” mentioned one commenter, in response to the kids seen walking around El Rey in the video.

“Happened to me when I was on Fremont street. Had no idea till I started smoking and wasn’t feeling anything,” recalled another person.

“It’s a 15 minutes high and makes you feel really weirdly GMO after,” a user wrote.

“Not me going there while I was in Vegas last week :’))),” said another customer.


Jen’s video is an important reminder to ask questions to sellers when buying cannabis products and to do research in advance to make sure you are getting a quality product. 

The Daily Dot reached out to Jen for comment via Instagram.