
Here’s what local channels are on Hulu Live TV

Hulu with Live TV offers all the local channels you’ve come to expect.

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John-Michael Bond

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If you’re looking to make the jump to streaming TV but don’t want to miss out on local channels, Hulu Live TV is a solid option.

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Most of the major streaming services—including YouTube TV, FuboTV, and AT&T TV Nowoffer local channels, but availability varies with each service when it comes to channels and coverage areas. Sometimes you’ll find yourself without ABC or CBS, depending on local licensing. Looking for the best service? Here’s everything you need to know about watching local channels on Hulu with Live TV.

Hulu Live TV local channels

Hulu Live TV has one main package that costs $54.99 per month, with add-ons like HBO available for an extra charge. Local channels come included with the cost of your membership, along with access to episodes live or on-demand.


Subscribers to Hulu Live TV can’t fast-forward through commercials on DVR recordings without paying an extra $15 for the enhanced DVR. You also get your DVR time bumped up to 200 hours instead of the standard 50 hours, but when YouTube TV has unlimited DVR included it adds up. Please note, Hulu without Ads doesn’t encompass Live TV or the on-demand programming through Live TV, only programming that’s part of Hulu’s streaming service.

To see what local channels are available in your area, enter your ZIP code here. While Hulu Live TV doesn’t feature many local channels beyond the big networks, there aren’t any major stations left unavailable either. Here’s what showed up for my ZIP code, for example:

Hulu Live TV local channels

If you live in one of these markets, here’s what local channels you can expect to find with Hulu Live TV.

Abilene-Sweetwater, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Albany – Schenectady – Troy, NYABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Albany, GAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Albuquerque, NMABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Alexandria, LAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Amarillo, TXCBS, Fox, NBC
Anchorage, AKABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Atlanta, GACBS, ABC, NBC, Fox, CW, ABC, CBS, Fox Sports South, Fox Sports Southeast
Augusta, GAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Austin, TXABC, CBS, Fox, Fox Sports Southwest, NBC
Bakersfield, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Baltimore, MDABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Bangor, MEABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Baton Rouge, LAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Beaumont, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Bend, ORABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Billings, MTABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Biloxi-Gulfport, MSABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Binghamton, NYABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Birmingham – Anniston – Tuscaloosa, ALCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Bluefield – Beckley – Oak Hill, WVABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Boise, IDABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Boston, MAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW, WFXT, My38, NBC Sports Boston, NECN
Bowling Green, KYABC, CBS, NBC
Buffalo, NYABC, CBS, NBC
Burlington, VTABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW
Butte-Bozeman, MTABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Casper-Riverton, WYFox, NBC
Cedar Rapids, IAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Champaign-Springfield, ILCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Charleston-Huntington, WVCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Charleston, SCCBS, fox, NBC, Telemundo
Charlotte, NCABC, CBS, Fox Sports Carolinas, Fox Sports Southeast, My TV, NBC, Telemundo
Charlottesville, VAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, 
Chattanooga, TNCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Cheyenne, WYCBS, Fox, NBC
Chicago, ILABC, CBS Fox, My TV, NBC, NBC Sports Chicago, NBC CSN+, Telemundo
Chico-Redding, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Cincinnati, OHABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Clarksburg-Weston, WVABC, CBS, NBC, Telemundo
Cleveland-Akron-Canton, OHABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Colorado Springs-Pueblo, COABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Columbia-Jefferson City, MOABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Columbia, SCABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Columbus, OHCBS, Fox, NBC
Columbus-Tupelo-West Point, MSABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Corpus Christi, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Dallas – Ft. Worth, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, NBC Southwest, NBC Southwest Plus, Star 21, My TV
Davenport, IACBS, Fox, NBC
Denver, COABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Des Moines – Ames, IAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Detroit, MIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW, Fox Sports Detroit, Fox Sports Detroit Plus
Dothan, ALCBS, Fox, NBC
Duluth, MNABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
El Paso, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Elmira, NYABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Eugene, ORABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Eureka, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Evansville, INCBS, Fox, NBC
Fairbanks, AKABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Fargo, NDABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Flint, MIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Fresno, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Ft. Myers – Naples, FLABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW
Ft. Smith – Fayetteville – Springdale, ARABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, CW
Ft. Wayne, INABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Gainesville, FLABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, Fox Sports Florida, Fox Sports Sun
Grand Junction, COABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo, MIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Great Falls, NTABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Green Bay, WIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Greensboro – Winston-Salem, NCCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW
Greenville – New Bern – Washington, NCABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Greenville – Spartanburg, SCCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Greenwood – Greenville, MSABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Harlingen – Brownsville – McAllen, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Harrisburg – Lancaster, PAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Harrisonburg, VAABC, CBS
Hartford – New Haven, CTABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, NBC Sports Boston, NECN, SNY, Yes
Hattiesburg – Laurel, MSABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Helena, MTABC, Fox, NBC
Honolulu, HIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Houston, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, KHOU11, Fox Sports Southwest, My TV
Huntsville – Decatur – Florence, ALABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Idaho Falls, IDABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Indianapolis, INABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Jackson, MSABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Jackson, TNABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Jacksonville, FLABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Johnstown – Altoona, PAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Jonesboro, ARABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Joplin, MO – Pittsburg, KSABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Juneau, AKABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Kansas City, MOABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW
Knoxville, TNABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
La Crosse – Eau Claire, WIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Lafayette, INABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Lafayette, LAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Lake Charles, LAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Lansing, MIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Laredo, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Las Vegas, NVABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Lexington, KYABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Lima, OHCBS, Fox, NBC
Lincoln – Hastings – Kearney, NEABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Little Rock, ARCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Los Angeles, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, Fox Prime Ticket, Fox Sports West, My TV, KCAL9
Louisville, KYABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW
Lubbock, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Macon, GACBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Madison, WIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Mankato, MNCBS
Marquette, MICBS, NBC
Medford – Klamath Falls, ORABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Memphis, TNABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Meridian, MSABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Miami – Ft. Lauderdale, FLABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, Fox Sports Florida, Fox Sports Sun, My TV
Milwaukee, WIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Minneapolis – St. Paul, MNABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Fox Sports North, Fox Sports North Plus, My TV
Minot – Bismarck – Dickinson, NDABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Missoula, MTABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Mobile, ALCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Monroe, LAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Monterey – Salinas, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Montgomery, ALABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, CW
Myrtle Beach – Florence, SCCBS, Fox, NBC
Nashville, TNABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
New Orleans, LACBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
New York City, NYABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, My TV, WLNY, SNY, Yes
Northfolk – Portsmouth – Newport News, VAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
North Platte, NECBS, NBC
Odessa – Midland, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Oklahoma City, OKABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Orlando – Daytona Beach, FLABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW, Fox Sports Florida, Fox Sports Sun, My TV
Ottumwa, IA – Kirksville, MOCBS, Fox
Paducah – Cape Girardeau – Harrisburg, MOABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Palm Springs, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Panama City, FLABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Parkersburg, WVCBS, NBC
Peoria – Bloomington, ILABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Philadelphia, PAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW, NBC Sports Philadelphia, NBC Sports Philadelphia Plus
Phoenix – Prescott, AZABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, Fox Sports Arizona, Fox Sports Arizona Plus, My TV
Pittsburgh, PAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW
Portland – Auburn, MEABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Presque Isle, MECBS
Providence, RIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Quincy, IL – Hannibal, MO – Keokuk, IACBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Raleigh – Durham, NCABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Rapid City, SDABC, CBS, NBC
Reno, NVABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Richmond – Petersburg, VAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Roanoke – Lynchburg, VACBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Rochester, MN – Mason City, IA – Austin, MNABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Rochester, NYCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Rockford, ILABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Sacramento – Stockton – Modesto, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW
Salisbury, MDABC, CBS, Fox, MD
Salt Lake City, UTABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
San Angelo, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
San Antonio, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
San Diego, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, Fox Sports West
San Francisco – Oakland – San Jose, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW, KTVU Plus, NBC Sports Bay Area, NBC Sports California
Santa Barbara – Santa Maria – San Luis Obispo, CAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Savannah, GAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Seattle – Tacoma, WACBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW
Sherman, TXCBS, NBC
Shreveport, LAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW
Sioux City, IAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Sioux Falls – Mitchell, SDABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
South Bend, INABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Spokane, WAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Springfield – Holyoke, MAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Springfield, MOABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
St Joseph, MOABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
St Louis, MOCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Syracuse, NYABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, Telemundo
Tallahassee, FL – Thomasville GAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Tampa – St Petersburg – Sarasota, FLABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW, ABC Action News, Fox Sports Florida, Fox Sports Sun
Terre Haute, INCBS, Fox, NBC
Toledo, OHABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Topeka, KSABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Traverse City – Cadillac, MICBS, NBC
Tri-Cities, TN-VAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Tucson, AZABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Tulsa, OKCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, CW
Twin Falls, IDABC, CBS, NBC
Tyler – Longview, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Utica, NYABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Victoria, TXABC, Fox, NBC
Waco – Temple – Bryan, TXABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Washington, DCCBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo, WUSA 9, My TV, NBC Sports Washington, NBC Sports Washington Plus
Watertown, NYABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Wausau – Rhinelander, WIABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
West Palm Beach – Ft. Pierce, FLABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Wheeling, WV – Steubenville OHCBS, Fox, NBC
Wichita Falls, TX – Lawton, OKABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Wichita – Hutchinson, KSABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Wilkes-Barre – Scranton – Hazelton, PACBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Wilmington, NCABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Yakima – Pasco – Richland – Kennewick, WAABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Telemundo
Youngstown, OHABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Yuma, AZABC, CBS, Fox, NBC
Zanesville, OHNBC

For more, here’s a complete breakdown of Hulu with Live TV channels.

Hulu Live TV local channels: What’s not included

While you won’t miss out on ABC, CBS, or Fox, there’s one major local channel you won’t find on Hulu: PBS. While Hulu has some PBS content as part of its streaming service, you won’t find the channel on Hulu Live TV. That said, PBS isn’t available on any streaming TV service right now. The good news is that PBS offers hours of content for free streaming on its own apps and website.


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