Reddit is a helpful forum for all kinds of things…including—according to one viral post— discovering a spouse’s infidelity. After a woman posted in a housecleaning subreddit asking for help in understanding why her home was “turning green,” creative comments and suggestions led the user to the conclusion that her husband was, in fact, having an affair.
In late December 2024, Redditor @mioraa posted in the r/cleaningtips subreddit asking for help identifying why everything in her house was turning green. “At first it was just my cat, and then it became my bed sheets, my feet (which then stained my shoes and socks), my couch, my phone charger, and now my wall,” she said in the post. “IDK what it is.”

Initially, she attributed the color change to mold and then her laundry detergent pods, but they didn’t stain her own clothes when she used them. Along with the OP’s (original poster’s) explanation, the post also included four photo attachments, including a picture of a green pillow, a green blanket, the wall and even the woman’s cat, tinged with green.
Users were quick to theorize what was discoloring the OP’s house, and offered up their own experiences of mysterious home discoloration. One user said, “this happened in my aunt’s apartment from a lack of ductwork cleaning/air filters being neglected. It was so annoying and ruined her white carpet.” Another user suggested that “exposure to copper, like from plumbing issues or certain cleaning products, can leave a greenish discoloration like that.”

Not long after, user @Inside-Salary-4694 said, “or possibly just buy some new jeans from Old Navy?? lol they stain everything.” To which the OP replied, “hahah me and my husband are not jean-wearers!” User @Healthy_Brain5354 reacted to that comment, saying, “imagine this is how you discover he’s having an affair with some Old Navy wearing woman, from the cat turning green!”

@mioraa jokingly wrote back that she was going to look through her and her husband’s bank statements to see if he bought any jeans from Old Navy. Though she kept responding to comments in the Subreddit, two weeks later, the OP shared a major update in her green-tinged mystery.

In the update post, @mioraa explains that she had her water and AC checked, a mold inspection, and switched out her sheets. Still, her cat wasn’t going back to its natural color. “It’s funny because i was trying to determine if the green stains were going away based on if my cat was turning green. Any time I saw she was becoming greener, I determined that whatever i changed wasn’t the cause.”
While she also alludes to commenters believing her bedsheets were to blame, she said the Old Navy comment about cheating inspired her to investigate further. “I quickly checked our joint bank account for any Old Navy purchases. while there weren’t any, I couldn’t shake these strange feelings.”
@mioraa already had her suspicions her husband was cheating, and at that point, she spiraled. “I admit I did the bad thing and looked through my husband’s phone and there it was. some sexy Instagram DMs from a woman who wears jeans (cannot confirm if they’re Old Navy). So anyway I’ve spent the last week at my parents with my cat.”
Commenters were shocked by the OP’s update, showing support and disbelief in how her story unfolded. One commenter said, “I’m so sorry OP, I seriously thought at the end you’d say you were jk, but this was real.” Another commenter added “wow, the twist I did not expect! On the cleaning sub no less! I am so sorry for your situation OP, but also, this is an insane update. The drama of it all!”

@mioraa told those following the thread that she had served her husband papers, and was moving on with her life. She also went back to the Old Navy comment on her original post by user @Healthy_Brain5354 in r/cleaningtips, adding, “haha i hate to break it to you but… you were a lil right on the nose w this comment .”
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