
‘This is a 7-year-old Camry hybrid’: Car expert reveals the real reason he thinks you should avoid a hybrid

‘Most of the time you’ll never recoup your money.’

Photo of Parks Kugle

Parks Kugle

Man talking(l), Camry Hybrid on road(r)

The amount of technology in cars today is incredible, especially when it comes to electric or hybrid vehicles.

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Due to the level of technology, choosing an all-electric or hybrid car can seem like a simple step up that couldn’t hurt. However, on TikTok, one expert disagrees with that outlook and warns his viewers to avoid hybrid cars.

TikToker Scotty Kilmer (@scottykilmer_offcial) garnered 39,000 views when he broke down why drivers should avoid hybrid cars.

What’s his reasoning?

“This is a 7-year-old Camry hybrid,” Kilmer says, using the car behind him as an example.


“It’s got 112,000 miles on it, pretty much trouble free,” he adds.

Kilmer then explains how hybrid cars are great for street driving with frequent stops and can be advantageous for people looking to do ride shares.

However, he makes it clear that he’s “not a fan of hybrid cars.” He gives two reasons as to why he recommends avoiding them. First on the list is the high level of technology that won’t stand the test of time and second is cost of repairs.

According to Kilmer, these “insanely complex” vehicles are not DIY friendly and degrade quicker than a conventional gas-powered vehicle. He explains that mechanics need a wide array of tools to be able to safely work on a hybrid. These include safety gloves that can withstand “1,000 volts,” leather gloves, and specialized fluids that don’t conduct electricity.


“They’re an extremely high level of technology and as they age they can cost a small fortune to repair correctly,” Kilmer said.

Additionally, Kilmer breaks down how most drivers won’t get any savings from the hybrid model.

“A normal driver doesn’t see benefits,” Kilmer said. “All that extra money you’re spending on a hybrid probably never going to recoup your costs.”

Viewers appreciated his concise breakdown of why people should avoid hybrids.


“Good advice, most of the time you’ll never recoup your money,” one user agreed.

“Hybrid hides bad batteries brilliantly. They have a little engine which makes you think the battery works!” another added.

@scottykilmer_offcial #scottykilmer #scottykilmers #scottykilmertiktok #scottykilmerchannel ♬ original sound – Scotty Kilmer

However, many disagreed with his take on hybrid vehicles.


“They’re not that difficult to work on!” one person argued.

“Still driving my 2003 prius..getting 47 mpg,” a second shared.

Should you avoid a hybrid?

Depending on the source, the pros of buying a hybrid can outweigh the cons.


The Associated Press lists more pros for owning hybrids. These include improved fuel economy and reduced emissions, as well as better acceleration and overall performance. The negative, according to the news site, is the inability to travel long distances and the inability to travel at high speeds while using only electric power.

Energy Sage, a reusable energy website, lists several other pros, such as a lack of fear of running out of electricity during long range drives and a quiet motor. However, the site also lists higher upfront costs and expensive maintenance costs, such as replacing the battery which can cost over “$2,000.” This seems to track with Kilmer’s claims. adds better resale value to the pros list and mileage benefits to the negatives.

Daily Dot reached out to Kilmer via TikTok comment and Toyota via email.


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