The rise of #CleanTok means that people are finding more innovative ways to keep their home fresh— even if, on occasion, this leads to creators mixing so many cleaning products that they end up accidentally making mustard gas.
Fortunately, in her latest post, TikTok user Bean (@beannina4) hasn’t inadvertently made any noxious substances. But she did reveal an aspect of cleaning that so many of us overlook: namely, the need to regularly deep clean one’s dishwasher.
In a viral TikTok slideshow, which has already amassed 2.5 million views, Bean explained that she felt compelled to wash her dishwasher after realizing it wasn’t cleaning her dishes properly, an issue many of us can no doubt relate to. As the TikToker set out to try and find the source of the problem, she discovered that the dishwasher’s filter was completely clogged with food, soap, and grime.
Bean even treated TikTok viewers to a pretty disgusting close-up of the filter, adding that she was “literally gagging.”
“Apparently, you’re meant to clean this filter every week-month,” she added. The TikToker then guided viewers on how exactly you can clean your filter, starting with a hot, soapy water soak before getting in the nooks and crannies with a scrubbing brush.
She also showed viewers how to clean the dishwasher as a whole. Firstly, by sprinkling baking soda on the dishwasher door. Secondly, by filling a container with white vinegar, and thirdly, by putting the dishwasher on a rinse cycle. “This was so gross, but I’m so glad I found it and was able to get it all clean,” Bean added in the TikTok’s description. “My dishwasher is running a million times better and is so much cleaner.”
Over in the comments section, viewers were either adding their own tips to keep your dishwasher clean or being completely taken aback by the need to clean dishwashers in the first place.
“I’ve never cleaned that filter before… ever,” one viewer admitted. “I didn’t even know of its existence.”
“I have to do this so bad but I’m scared,” another added.
Meanwhile, the comments section was also awash (pun intended) with various other tips and tricks to keep your dishwasher sparkling.
“My dad is a dishwasher and washing machine operator for over 40 years,” one commenter wrote. “Put a cup of lemon salt in the dishwasher once a month and run it for 30 min.”
Several others emphasized the importance of using a rinse aid, while another recommended removing the “arms” of a dishwasher and giving those a good clean too. “Lots of debris gets stuck in the water holes,” they explained. “That caused my dirty glass issue.”
Bean didn’t immediately respond to the Daily Dot’s request for comment via TikTok comment.