
‘As a server I literally get irritated when ppl do this’: Server shares what customers should not do when asked if they are ready to order

‘This drives me INSANE too.’

Photo of Jack Alban

Jack Alban

server speaking with caption 'I don't know what's like so jarring about servers asking questions to my tables' (l) server speaking with caption 'but I'm trying to be as nice as I possibly can and I'm like all right' (c) server speaking with caption 'and I'm like I don't know what else I can do to be less demanding' (r)

Servers have a lot to say online social media about rude customers and low tippers.

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Restaurant worker Rachel (@racheldont) aired out another gripe that other servers have with some customers: not knowing how to respond to a simple question.

In her video, Rachel says there are occasions when she will go over to a table and ask diners if they need anything else, which sometimes results in a silent chorus of concerned/scared looks and unsure responses, with people not knowing how to respond. Be expressed her befuddlement by this lack of response and strange shift in behavior in her post.

“I don’t know what’s, like, so jarring about servers asking questions to my tables, but I’m trying to be like nice as I possibly can, and I’m like, ‘All right, like, Are we ready to order? Would you like a few minutes? Do you want to look at, you know more, drinks or whatever?’ And everyone looks at each other and they’re like,” Rachel says, putting on a slightly scared expression on her face as if to pantomime a common reaction that customers have when being asked questions.

@racheldont #server #waitress #bartender #serverproblems #foodservice #serviceindustry ♬ original sound – Racheldont

She goes on, “Or two of them, you know, will look at me, and they’re like,” she says, having a deer-in-headlights expression, “and then they look back to everyone else. … ‘I said would you like a little bit more time that’s OK,’ and, like, everyone’s, like, stop, like, frozen in fear, and I’m, like, I don’t know what else I can do to be less demanding. I don’t know.”

The Daily Dot has reached out to @racheldont via TikTok comment.

Some viewers who also work as servers appeared to corroborate Rachel’s anecdote by saying they’ve had similar encounters with restaurant patrons. “People will literally look at you crazy just for asking if they need anything,” one TikTok user wrote.


Another said, “This drives me INSANE too like don’t panic babe i literally don’t care how long it takes you to decide but I have to do to my job and keep checking on u.”

Rachel responded to the aforementioned TikToker, writing: “This!!!! This comment! Like take as long as you want idc I literally suggested more time but I will get in trouble if I don’t come check every 5 min”

Someone else said that being on the receiving end of this type of response from customers can be a bit dehumanizing. “As a server I literally get irritated when ppl do this cuz why don’t y’all know how to have human interaction????? Like don’t just stare back at me,” they wrote.

One person just couldn’t believe that there are folks who interact like this, stating that it makes them think the customers have never eaten at a restaurant before: “Strange, as if they did not expect a server to come to the table … maybe they’ve never eaten at a restaurant??”

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