
‘I got credit for this even though I would never recommend these sheets’: Influencer reveals what happens when you click on their Amazon storefront

‘Now I wanna buy some random stuff to entertain you.’

Photo of Stace Fernandez

Stace Fernandez

young woman with Amazon purchases in background

In a viral video, a TikToker shared that she can see what her viewers buy on Amazon, even if they don’t buy directly from her storefront. 

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Victoria (@thymeandtenderness) is a creator focused on homemaking and cleaning. Like many influencers, she has an Amazon storefront link in her bio and earns commissions on the items she sells. 

@thymeandtenderness #greenscreen ive seen some crazy things that yall buy but i still get paid for 👀. #amazonfinds #amazonmusthaves #amazonaffiliate ♬ The Price is Right – TV Hits

In her minute-long clip, Victoria reveals that if a person clicks her Amazon storefront link, the affiliate link stays active for upwards of 24 hours—and that she gets commissions for any Amazon purchase a person makes in that one-day window, even if it’s an item she didn’t or wouldn’t recommend herself. 


“Even if you don’t buy the advertised item that the influencer was trying to influence you to buy, anything you purchase, we get credit for. And … we can see what you bought on our end,” Victoria explains. 

She also starts a series where she shares what her viewers bought on the retail giant’s site after clicking through her Amazon storefront. 

“I can’t see who bought what, but I can see what you bought,” Victoria says, before adding, “Introducing my new series, ‘What you bought on Amazon.’”

She starts with a set of gray Amazon Basics microfiber sheets that at least two people who followed her storefront link purchased. “They are awful,” she says, explaining that she’d never recommend them. 


The next item is The Women’s Heritage Sourcebook, which covers topics like herbalism, canning, fermenting, natural beauty, and beekeeping. While Victoria has never bought or read the book, she is intrigued by it. 

The last item Victoria shares in the video is a Lalaloopsy DVD. 

Her video has over 241,000 views, and has gained more than 300 comments. 

“I’ve seen some crazy things that y’all buy but I still get paid for,” Victoria’s caption read. 


Commenters had mixed reactions to the video and the items that people had bought on Amazon after clicking through the creator’s storefront. 

“I’m petty. I won’t click on the link, I will go search it in my Amazon app so they don’t get paid,” a top comment read. 

Victoria replied, sharing that the money she makes from her Amazon storefront helps support her family. “It’s less to Bezos and more to regular folk like me.”

“I thought it was gonna be way more spicy,” another commenter wrote about the product reveals. 


“Now I wanna buy some random stuff to entertain you,” a third said.

The Daily Dot reached out to Victoria and Amazon for comment via email.

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