
What does ‘NFS’ mean on Wizz? The chat slang, explained

The bop app.

Photo of Anna Good

Anna Good

Wizz App screenshots with NSF over it

New internet lingo is always popping up, and the term NFS on the chatting app Wizz is no exception. While most folks would know NFS to mean “not for sale,” such as artwork in a gallery or even display furniture at a thrift store, that isn’t what it means on Wizz. 

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Young man pointing at an overlaid image of the Wizz app on his screen.

What is the Wizz app?

Not to be confused with Wizz Air, the discount airline, Wizz is a new social media app focused on chatting with people in your age range. Wizz limits the ages of people you’re able to communicate with as a safety feature. It offers the ability to do group chats or strike up a conversation with strangers who have similar interests to you, play games, and send memes.

A man gesturing enthusiastically. Text overlay reads, 'Me trying to tell ppl how easy it is to make friends on wizz.'

According to their website, Wiz is the “ultimate online platform for random chats with people from all over the world.” Their tagline reads, “Fun comes from the unexpected.” One of the “unexpected” aspects of Wizz is that, much like dating apps, Wizz users can swipe through profiles of people they don’t know. They swipe left if they aren’t interested in chatting and right if they want to strike up a conversation.


if i wasnt looking for friends i WOULDNT BE ON HERE 😭😭😭😭 ive never asked anyone to be my friend we just started talking then hanging out, etc😭

♬ original sound – me personally….

What does NFS mean on Wizz?

In this case, the people who use the Wizz app have dubbed a request for a speedy response NFS, or “need for speed.” It’s a quick and easy way to tell the other person that you’re chatting with that you want them to respond to your message quickly, although if it gets overused with a new person, they may prefer to just leave you on read and move on to someone who isn’t requesting time they’re unable to commit.

A young woman tilting down her glasses and staring over them at the camera. Text overlay reads, 'Me when I finally make new friends in just minutes on the Wizz app.'

What does ‘2 Man’ mean on Wizz?

Another popular phrase common on the app is “2 Man.” It has become common for a woman to bring a trusted friend along on a first date for support and security, so the “2 Man” aspect is asking your date to also bring a friend along, turning it into a double date.

A person with their hand to their forehead. Text overlay reads, 'when you find friends on WIZZ that are literally the exact same person as you and have everything in common..'

Safety issues on Wizz

The creators of Wizz are active on TikTok, sharing its AI safety features, how it is used, and glimpses into their lives in the “Wizz House.” The safety features they offer to their user base are a major talking point on their social media posts, and the app claims that users don’t need to worry about their personal information being compromised in the event of a hack.

Two people talking while walking. Text overlay says, 'Wizz App Safety Tips:' and 'how do I stay safe on Wizz'

…Though not everyone likes all of these safety features.

TikTok comment that reads, 'What if I want them to have me snap or number'

There are also a lot of comments on social media about the app banning them for no reason, as well as parents concerned about their children’s safety using apps where strangers can access any of their information.

Blurry video of a man with text overlay that reads, 'bo does anyone know how to get unbanned from wizz? they literally banned me like two minutes after makes an account MONTHS ago and i didn't do shit (sob emoji) and i don't have any more phones etc. lmk if a vpn would work.'
TikTok of a dark image of a person, text overlay reads, 'dear wizz: can you un-restrict my account??? i got restricted because i MESSAGED someone 'is somebody gonna match my freak? (dancing in the rain)' it got restricted, and i requested a manual review. still restricted. I MADE ANOTHER ACCOUNT, set it up, messaged one person, and for some reason that account's restricted?? i said 'tell ur cat i say pspspsps''
TikTok comment that says, 'Bro I keep getting modded for seggual photo LIKE ITS A NORMAL PHOTO WIZZ BACK AWAY (sob emojis)'
@sadie__peach A quick online search will lead you to tons of resources to keep your children and teens as safe as possible when they engage with content and apps online. -Bark Technologies -Aura Parental Controls & the resources listed af GFC Global are a great place to start. #wizz #wizzapp #onlinesafety #parentalcontrols ♬ original sound – Sadie Leader