
The legend of Crawly, the tiny green mall wizard enchanting TikTok

He calls the security guards “knights” and everyone loves him.

Photo of Lindsey Weedston

Lindsey Weedston

ancient little wizard at the mall

The tiny green mall wizard is a character invented by a TikTok user who dresses up in a fake white beard and green robe and crawls around a shopping center. His robe is light green, and he also dons rather large fake white eyebrows and a white cone hat and carries around a small pink butterfly net in place of a wand.

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tiny green mall wizard aka Crawly sitting in a red shopping cart holding a net

The young man then does a kind of “crawl” in which he walks at a full crouch and posts videos of himself exploring the local mall, with the footage sped up and set to generic fantasy music.


Эльфийки спрятали меня от глупых рыцарей 😈🫶

♬ sonido original – smith_aske

Who is Crawly the tiny green mall wizard?

The minuscule wizard is a TikToker who goes by “Crawly,” which is a reference to older videos in which he does his characteristic “crawl” around public spaces like malls and invites others to do the same. Starting in late June 2024, Crawly jazzed up this act by donning his cheap and comical wizard costume and proceeding to frustrate mall security, whom he refers to as “knights.”


♬ SUBWAY SURFERS (Main Theme) – Subway Surfers

In other videos, the Russian TikTok user amuses himself by traveling through public spots either with weird and disturbing walks or in other costumes, such as a horned demon made tall with stilts or an escaped hospital patient. He has even recruited others to “chase” him through the mall in some of these costumes.


In other videos, he scoots around on his stomach on a skateboard or literally crawls around, sometimes wearing those huge square delivery app backpacks.

What is the tiny green mall wizard meme?

The tiny green mall wizard is Crawly’s latest creation as of late June 2024. The crouching wizard character is made all the funnier by the jaunty music paired with the sped up footage, which gives him the appearance of a video game character wandering around an unfamiliar, real-world setting.


Poor knights 😡 Next time I’ll bring my squad ⚔️

♬ sonido original – sky

He is a cranky little wizard, often shaking his pink net wand at security personnel and anyone else who interferes in his explorations and jumping up and down when frustrated. He has also been known to get into places he doesn’t belong, such as under mall patron tables and behind food court counters, only to be chased off.

Crawly’s mystical origin story

Crawly published very first tiny green mall wizard video on June 27, 2024. In the video, the tiny wizard locates a resting place in between a food court island and a chair, with the description reading “I found a secluded place from the STUPID KNIGHTS.”


Нашел укромное место от ГЛУПЫХ РЫЦАРЕЙ 😈

♬ sonido original – sky

The meme videos clearly draw on Crawly’s past work, which has featured the same crouch crawl-walk as well as other amusing and sometimes fantastical characters.

Crawly meme spread and fan art

Crawly’s first wizard video gained over 16.3 million views in just four days, and he has since posted 13 additional entries featuring the magical little man as of July 1, 2024, not including the videos in which he’s marveling at the character’s popularity. Twitter users began posting footage of the little green mall wizard on the same day as the first video’s publishing.


Not long after the character blew up on TikTok, fan art began to appear on various social media channels, including old-style video game art showing the wizard facing off against mall security. Meanwhile, imitation videos started popping up on other TikTok accounts, as well as POV memes and jokes about what the little guy is doing to the FYP.


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