
Don’t worry about it babe—okay ❤️ yay ❤️ 

Okay ❤️ Yay ❤️

Photo of Angela Andaloro

Angela Andaloro

Don't worry about it baby meme

Don’t worry about it, babe—also known as the okay ❤️ yay ❤️  meme—is a screenshot of a texting exchange between a couple that went viral as one partner eased the other’s concerns.

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The original exchange is about the stock market. Since then, the text has been customized to fit other worrying situations. Some see it as the bit of reassurance we all need. However, it also has a cheeky side, used in dark humor. Stressed about the state of the world? Don’t worry about it, babe.

Origins of the ‘Lmao Don’t Worry About It, Babe’ text

The original “don’t worry about it, babe” text exchange was first shared on Twitter in 2021. At the time, chatter erupted across the social media site over the Reddit bros who short-squeezed GameStop’s undervalued stock. Referring to it, one partner asked the other, “What’s going on with the stock market?”


In response, their partner wrote “lmao,” followed by “don’t worry about it babe,” to which the first wrote, “okay❤️,” then “yay❤️.” The texter seemed genuinely satisfied by the response, however, which added another element of humor to the exchange.

Anyone who has ever felt out of their element can appreciate the conversation. There’s nothing like being alleviated from having to learn a whole new thing.

text exchange where first person asks, 'what's going on with the stock market,' and the other replies, 'lmao don't worry about it babe,' so the first replies, 'okay yay'

As the meme started to spread, some have switched the response up. It’s also common to see “Don’t worry kitten.” That reply conjures that same reassuring, though slightly condescending, tone of writing.


The meme has been used to tackle anything from a historical event to a celebrity crush to questioning someone’s search engine

Don’t Worry About It, Babe memes

economy-based don't worry about it babe meme
empty gas tank don't worry about it babe meme
ukraine-russia don't worry kitten meme
israel don't worry about it babe meme
the sun don't worry about it babe meme
drinking don't worry about it babe meme
oj simpson don't worry kitten meme
inner west deamalgamation don't worry kitten meme
9/11 don't worry about it babe meme
g train don't worry kitten meme
In Body Image

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