
Shocker of the century: Women like casual sex just as much as men do

Who knew? Um, everyone.

Photo of Marisa Kabas

Marisa Kabas

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Breaking news bulletin that should surprise absolutely no one: Women enjoy casual sex just as much as men do.

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Researchers at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in Germany decided to dig deep and debunk the (totally antiquated) theory that men are much more likely to accept an invitation of sex from a relative stranger or non-steady partner.

The researchers brought in 60 heterosexual men and women who were told they’d be testing out a new dating app. The twist was that they were actually being studied for their sex and dating behaviors. According to the Huffington Post, “subjects were shown pictures of someone of the opposite sex and told that these men or women had seen his or her picture and were either interested in a date or sex, depending on the condition—meaning: some of the subjects were explicitly told that the people in the photos wanted to have sex with them.”

Then came the fun part: The subjects essentially got to play a game of Fuck, Marry, Kill, but without the killing part. They went through their matches—basically, they were swiping through Tinder IRL—and indicated which ones they would date, sleep with, or neither.


And here’s the shocking part: The women who participated indicated that they were just as likely to get down with a stranger who was into them as the male subjects were. Gasp.

So what’s the lesson we can learn from this study? Well, maybe men and women are from the same planet after all. Also, researchers need to stop being stuck in the 1950s and accept the fact that all women aren’t sexless prudes and all dudes aren’t panting horndogs, because the reality of sex in the 21st century is far more complicated than that. 

H/T Huffington Post | Photo via Sean and Lauren/Flickr
