
McDonald’s hunky new Hamburglar is the sexiest dude on Snapchat

The beefcake is back. Contain your thirst, ladies.

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

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When McDonald’s announced its rebooted Hamburglar last week, everyone wanted a piece of the hunky thief. Now thanks to new videos and snaps from the fast food chain, we finally know a little bit about the masked figure’s home life and diabolical plans.

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On Tuesday, McDonald’s tweeted out a video featuring the Hamburglar. In the video, we overhear his phone calls with the wife, which makes it looks like he’s supposed to be busy doing errands like picking up candles instead of plotting his great protein master plan.

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Just like any man who’s trying to get some alone time for his side hobbies, he tells his bae a little white lie about where he’s at. He’s not actually at the party store, but at a McDonald’s. Also, check out that amazingly on-brand phone case he has.


He’s also apparently on the hunt for as many Sirloin Third Pound Burgers as he can get. Although he’s “on the run,” it’s pretty obvious where he’s been lately. 

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In a statement to the Verge, a McDonald’s spokesperson wanted to stress that the Hamburglar videos are not commercials. Instead, they’re videos of him hacking into and controlling McDonald’s Twitter. Director of McDonald’s Media Relations Lisa McComb gave the Verge this statement:


“The clip that was posted to Twitter this afternoon wasn’t a commercial. As part of Hamburglar’s takeover of the McDonald’s Twitter account, the short video shows his double life: grabbing Sirloin Third Pound Burgers while keeping his identity under wraps via a call back to his family in the suburbs.”

But the best part is that if you add McDonald’s on Snapchat, you can see in real time what the Hamburglar is up to, other than being the lust object for housewives all across America. Check out his latest shenanigans from Wednesday’s snap story. 




Looks like he’s trying to round up as many of those grubby hamburgers as possible. Now we’ll just have to wait until he starts sending us dick pics on Snapchat. Then we’ll really start buying more Sirloin burgers. 

H/T The Verge | Photo via McDonald’s/Twitter