
Inside the cult of Beshine, Europe’s breastiest folk hero

You know that phrase “too much of a good thing can be bad?” Neither does Beshine.

Photo of EJ Dickson

EJ Dickson

This story contains sexually explicit material.

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As anyone who has tried to give a piggyback to a drunk person on the way home from a party knows, bigger is not always better. One person who definitely doesn’t abide by that dictum is Mayra Hills, a.k.a. Beshine (NSFW), a 31-year-old German woman and Reddit folk hero who has a very special gift—or, more accurately, two.

Beshine is an adult model and camgirl who has what she claims has the largest pair of augmented breasts in the world. (The world’s largest natural breasts belong to Annie Hawkins-Turner, a.k.a. Norma Stitz, who reportedly wears a 52I bra, the largest ever made.)

If you’re dubious of this claim, consider this: Beshine wears a 32Z bra. Her measurements are 59-28-36. And her breasts weigh about 20 pounds each, or approximately the weight of a small dog. Imagine walking around all day with two Bichon Frises strapped to your chest. Such is the plight of Beshine.



At the risk of sounding judgmental or body-shamey, you’d probably think that Beshine’s proportions are just a little too freakish for even the most mammary-obsessed man to find them attractive. Well, you’d be wrong. Beshine has a slavish social following, with 122,000 followers on Twitter and more than 500 subscribers of her own subreddit, r/beshine.

The subreddit mostly consists of photos Beshine has posted on social media, from a selfie of her working out:



To her drinking a frappe:


To her just bein’ real.



It’s also a place where Beshine’s fans can get together to exchange their own Beshine anecdotes. Most of them are about Beshine’s boobs. This man is very excited because he saw Beshine’s boobs on Streamate:


This man is excited because he hopes Beshine will make her boobs even larger:



Although Beshine has already been under the knife at least twice, fortunately for her fans, it’s likely that she’ll be able to go much larger. In a recent Twitter exchange, she indicated that her doctor said she could increase her breasts from 10,000 cc implants to 50,000 cc ones, “if I slow down my traveling schedule to very little.”

You probably won’t be able to move at all, Beshine, let alone travel. But I guess if you’re gonna dream, dream big. Show the children what a German lady with disposable income and body dysmorphic disorder can do if she puts her heart and soul into it.

We leave you with this parting image of Beshine, courtesy of fellow Daily Dot staffer Miles Klee:







God bless you, Beshine.

H/T Metro | Photo via Beshine/Twitter