
7 awesome things astronaut Karen Nyberg taught us on Pinterest

Nyberg’s pinboards continue to provide a window into life on the International Space Station.

Photo of Lisa Granshaw

Lisa Granshaw

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Through Pinterest, U.S. astronaut Karen Nyberg is sharing some amazing photos of life on the International Space Station. Aspects of her and the other astronauts everyday lives that may be boring when they happen here on Earth suddenly seem much cooler when they take place in space.

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Two of her most interesting boards are “Food” and “Hair and Space.” These topics may seem ordinary but some of these photos are even more interesting than the amazing views of Earth Nyberg has also pinned. 

Looking through these pictures, we learned there is some valuable information you can take away from Nyberg’s pins. Here are 7 of the things we learned from Nyberg about food and hair in space.

1) Not even astronauts can start the day without coffee


2) Weightlessness is very helpful in keeping hair out of your face as you work 

3) Dessert is an essential part of your diet—even in space


4) Headbands are needed to keep wall velcro and equipment from sticking to your hair

5) Tomato soup floating on a cracker looks delicious… until you realize it’s supposed to be soup


6) Having long hair that floats makes you the coolest looking person on the space station crew

7) Even fruit looks cooler when it’s weightless


Photos via Karen Nyberg/Pinterest