
The USWNT’s World Cup celebrations upset the sensibilities of conservative men

They didn’t like all the drinking and swearing.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

megan rapinoe

Never underestimate the ability for a man to get up in arms about the actions of successful women.

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In the wake of the U.S. Women’s tremendous romp in the 2019 World Cup, sensible, right-leaning people have decreed their every action, from celebrating too hard while piling on goals to a non-controversy over an American flag on the ground after their finals win.

They’ve tried and failed to find fault in almost everything.

The USWNT on Wednesday received a ticker-tape parade in New York City for its exploits, the culmination of four years of work and determination. The players drank, partied, and swore.


And heavens to heck, you woulda thought the sky was falling on Twitter and conservative blogs.

Far-right conspiracy peddler the Gateway Pundit called them “trashy” for uttering profanity.

“Trashy US Women’s World Cup Soccer Champs Utter Profanities All During NYC Parade,” a post was headlined, highlighting and bringing attention to what they deemed inappropriate language.

“While they are held up as role models for girls, the players carried on like street trash throughout the parade and City Hall ‘key to the city’ ceremony.”


The blog went on to delineate every single profanity utter.

“Several video clips show the players celebrating and cursing. And cursing. And cursing. Even in the modern era where occasional profanity slips out from professional athletes, the constant stream of public profanity by the women’s soccer team is unprecedented in professional U.S. sports–especially for a team representing the nation in world body competition.”

(This is false, teams curse all the time in championship celebrations.)

Of particular fury from conservatives was Ashlyn Harris using a famous Antoine Dodson quote to celebrate.


Meanwhile, conservative Twitter aggregator Twitchy was traumatized that Megan Rapinoe cursed in her speech, writing that “[b]efore the role model to thousands upon thousands of girls around the world cursed, she said ‘it’s our responsibility to make the world a better place.’ Maybe she was drunk and that’s why she cursed?”


But in general, a bunch of conservatives just felt that Rapinoe drinking and saying “I deserve this” was not OK. Apparently, because they didn’t like it.



If any of these people ever came close to winning a world title, there’s little arguing that they would lose their shit, so take all their criticism with a grain of salt the size of a boulder.



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