
Trump sets new record for most typos in one tweet

Can you spot them all?

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

Donald Trump and typos

Since taking office, President Donald Trump has frequently boasted how many records his administration has broken: most legislation passed, highest stock market, lowest minority unemployment ever. While two of those three claims are specious, Trump did just achieve something no other president has: most typos in a single tweet.

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In a tweet this morning quoting legal scholar Alan Dershowitz about Robert Mueller‘s probe into Trump’s 2016 campaign, the president made four different typos.

trump four typo tweet
Donald Trump/Twitter

Trump misspelled “Counsel” three times and got “whether” wrong. And while it isn’t a typo, he included an extra “the”—for four typos and five mistakes in one missive.


While there aren’t official records kept of typos in presidential tweets, since Twitter was not around for the first 43 administrations, it’s a race between Trump and Barack Obama. And Trump is simply blowing him out of the water.

Aside from this tweet, in his first 14 months, the president’s misspelled the word “heal” in back-to-back tweets, has repeatedly messed up the “Counsel” investigating him, botched there/their and to/too, got “aide” wrong, and did whatever “covfefe” is.

And while he’s made one or two before, four in a single tweet is simply unpresidented.

As for the, uh, content of his tweet, which he corrected later, Trump is again claiming the federal investigation into his campaign is unjustified, further eroding the separation of powers this country was founded upon.



He still misspelled “Counsel” again though.