
Photo of Trump’s very orange face is a hotbed for memes

‘Tupperware after you store spaghetti in it.’

Photo of Mikael Thalen

Mikael Thalen

A closeup of President Donald Trump's face.
White House (Public Domain)

A picture taken of President Donald Trump on Friday has launched countless memes due to the commander-in-chief’s shockingly orange complexion.

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Posted by White House photographer William Moon, the picture quickly went viral and has since been shared More than 11,000 times.


Moon captioned the picture by stating that Trump “was dancing with the sunset and strong winds when he walked to the Oval Office from the Marine One on the South Lawn.”

Trump responded to the image by calling it “fake news” and claiming it is Photoshopped.

”But the wind was strong and the hair looks good?” Trump tweeted. “Anything to demean!”


Those strong winds blew back the president’s comb-over and revealed what many saw as an astonishingly sloppy bronzer job.


“With all those billions, can’t he find someone to blend his girly make-up?” Twitter user @fpsmith303 said.

As with any bizarre moment on the internet, the memes were quick to follow. Many agreed that Trump’s look was reminiscent of the volleyball character “Wilson” from the Tom Hanks blockbuster Cast Away.

This isn’t the first time the public has seen this type of makeup. Anyone remember Mrs. Doubtfire?

Perhaps Trump just lost his blending brush?

Maybe he’s born with it.

Others felt major Hunger Games vibes when looking at the president’s glowing face.

But what would Trump look like without all that orange makeup or fake tanner? One user imagined just that by digitally sucking out all the color from Trump’s face. Perhaps the fake tan isn’t that bad after all.

If all of that wasn’t enough, the photographer later uploaded a black and white version of the same photo.

And just like the photo, the memes only intensified.

Hopefully the photographer who took the picture won’t be banished from the White House.