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Trump says he likes it when Ivanka calls him ‘daddy,’ creeps everyone out


Photo of Andrew Wyrich

Andrew Wyrich

Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump

President Donald Trump made some… odd remarks about his daughter, Ivanka Trump, while speaking about his tax code plans in North Dakota on Wednesday evening.

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In his speech, the president egged Ivanka to join him on stage before saying he said he liked it when she called him “daddy.”

“By the way—Ivanka Trump. Everybody loves you, Ivanka,” he said as the crowd cheered. “Come up, honey. Should I bring Ivanka up? Sometimes they’ll say, ‘he can’t be that bad a guy, look at Ivanka’… She wanted to make the trip, she said ‘Dad, can I go with you’—she actually said, ‘Daddy, can I go with you.’ I like that, right?”


To her credit, Ivanka didn’t seem to like the comment—and she wasn’t alone.


The off-the-cuff remarks didn’t do anything to quell the jokes that have been made at Trump’s expense regarding his relationship with his daughter. For instance, pranksters left postcards in Trump Tower last month that had the words “first lady” over a picture of Ivanka.

The president also infamously said he would be dating Ivanka if she weren’t his daughter on The View in 2006.

As you might imagine, people reacted to Trump’s “daddy” remarks accordingly. (A lot have to do with vomiting.)



The Daily Dot