
Trump twists Fox News segment about terrorism to smear Obama

The report followed the death of a ex-Gitmo detainee in Yemen.

Photo of David Gilmour

David Gilmour

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President Donald Trump appears to be adding his own facts to a Fox News segment in an attempt to smear his predecessor.

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After posting a tweet claiming that the Obama administration had released 122 “vicious prisoners” from the detention center at Guantanamo Bay to return to terrorism, Trump has been accused of misleadingly editorializing a Fox News segment.


The post seemed to be a response to a Fox News segment that reported on a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who had allegedly become involved in terrorism following release and was subsequently killed in a drone strike by the Trump administration in Yemen.


Ryan J. Reilly, senior justice reporter at the Huffington Post, was among the first to point out that the president had taken liberties to present the report in such a way as to pointedly attack his predecessor—with whom he is at odds. Trump recently made unsubstantiated accusations that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower in the lead up to the 2016 election.


Reilly made a point as to correct the president, explaining that the Fox News report had given no indication as to which administration had released the detainees and that, in fact, fellow Republican President George W. Bush had signed off the release of 113 detainees.


So far Trump has not responded to the flagged tweets.