
Conservative firebrand demands to know if Democrats are the party of Satan

Bill Mitchell is having a fit online.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

bill mitchell party of satan
IgorZh/Shutterstock (Licensed)

Conservative commentator, and former editor of the Weekly Standard, Bill Mitchell has a question for Democrats, and he is demanding an answer.

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Are you, Mitchell wants to know, the party of Satan?


The anger comes after Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) asked the Senate for unanimous consent on his anti-abortion “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” which was objected to by Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.). Sasse’s bill comes after furor over comments by embattled Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D), who last week defended a late-term abortion measure in the Virginia Senate.

In response to Northam’s comments, conservatives said the governor was supporting infanticide, when in fact, he was supporting late-term abortion, which is already legal in Virginia. Since then, the right has been up in arms—more so than normal—over Democrats support of women’s health legislation.

So much so, they’ve begun calling Democrats devil worshippers. Ben Shapiro declared liberals engaged in child sacrifice, and now Mitchell is demanding Democrats admit the malevolent head of their movement is not Tom Perez, but Lucifer himself.


And he wants answers.



Technically, only one of those tweets asked for a denial, but whatever. Because even when people responded with “Democrats aren’t the party of Satan,” he was still enraged.


However, some thought that would be cool as hell.


Just wait until Mitchell sees Nancy Pelosi meeting with Mephistopheles before tonight’s State of the Union.

He’ll really lose his shit then.