
Far-right enthusiastically cheers the firing of FBI agent Peter Strzok

He’s been a thorn in conservatives’ side for years.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

peter strzok testimony

Of all the ways 2018 is a world flipped upside down, this might be the most emblematic. Conservatives are ecstatic that the government fired an employee for expressing his private opinion outside of work.

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FBI agent Peter Strzok has been a boogeyman to the far-right for years; he’s the guy who was at the center of a deep state conspiracy to keep President Donald Trump from ascending to the White House.

Today, the FBI let him go for sending anti-Trump texts to a fellow agent, including one that said “we’ll stop” Trump from ever becoming president. Strzok’s time at the FBI was likely numbered after the June release of an inspector general report that said he and others had a “willingness to take official action” to harm President Trump’s election prospects.

His firing sent conservative pundits and members of Congress into a tizzy.




Trump also weighed in, saying that crossing someone off a list made the list longer?


He also said because of the firing, the FBI should re-open its investigation into Hillary Clinton.


Of course.
