
Pro-vaping congressman blows fat clouds during congressional hearing to protest e-cig ban

Vaping while legislating.

Photo of William Turton

William Turton

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For the first time ever, a U.S. congressman vaped during a congressional hearing.

In the midst of a House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing, Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from California, proudly vaped in protest of an amendment that bans vaping on planes.

“This is called a vaporizer,” Hunter said. “There’s no combustion, there’s no carcinogens.”


“There is no burning. There is nothing noxious about this whatsoever,” he added. “This is the future.”

Hunter had previously written an op-ed for The Hill in favor of e-cigarettes as a means for quitting smoking.


Last year, the Department of Transportation announced a ban on vaping on airplanes. Despite Hunter’s best efforts, that ban will now stay in place thanks to a vote of 33-26.

Photo via | Remix by Fernando Alfonso III