
Chrissy Teigen draws the ire of QAnon fans for criticizing conspiracy

She called it a joke, and they were not pleased.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

chrissy teigen

There are certain subsets of denizens of internet subcultures who cannot stand even the slightest denigration. Think fans of BTS or Jordan Peterson, and especially the online conspiracy theorists obsessed with QAnon.

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Say one ill thing about their belief that President Donald Trump is secretly working to bring down a network of deep state pedophiles and you are in for it. Which is what happened to (most) everyone’s favorite power-tweeter, Chrissy Teigen.

Somehow, a conversation about a tea she likes (Tea Drops), turned into an online fight about Q.

Teigen has been a subject of fascination from “Q bakers,” the people who try to decode the conspiracy, ever since she was involved in an international flight that was forced to turn around, sparking nonsense ideas that her flight had been diverted to arrest her.


Since then, she’s been bombarded with messages by Q people on Twitter, and last night she seemed fed up enough to put them all on blast.


Criticizing one Q person led to a flood of responses about the cult.


Teigen noted the most popular criticism of Q, that pretty much none of the predictions made by the poster, who long used the message board 8chan, have ever really come true. (It’s a valid criticism, as the whole conspiracy began with an announcement that Hillary Clinton would be arrested tomorrow—all the way back in October 2017).


Being so bold as to point out the flaws in the theory is more than enough to earn the ire of Q fans, and Teigen was in for an evening’s worth of tweets declaring her part of the pedophile cabal Q believers want to take down.

Pretty much every one of her tweets was flooded by comments from supporters of the theory.



Then there were the people who thought she was winking and nodding at it all, intimating it might be true.

Teigen, for her part, took it with her natural aplomb.





While Teigen tweeting about tea shouldn’t draw in thousands of Q posters, with 8chan down, they really have nothing better to do.


The Daily Dot