
Cheese-based trade publication wades into abortion debate—claims hack

The cheese was hacked.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

cheese reporter

Hello, I’m sure you have lots of questions after reading that headline. I sure do, too. It all stems from stumbling across this tweet on Tuesday afternoon.

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It’s from Carly Atchinson, who is a communications associate with the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). Atchinson said she was sending a press release about the Born Alive Survivors’ Act, a bit of grandstanding legislation that is introduced every year by Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.).

Atchinson wanted to know “where Ron Kind,” a representative from Wisconsin, stood on it. So she emailed (surely among other publications) Cheese Reporter, a publication that covers cheese and not abortion.

Atchinson wrote: “Where does Ron Kind stand on leaving a newborn baby alone to die on the delivery room floor?  ... Republicans proposed the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act in response to far-left efforts in New York and Virginia to legalize abortions up to the moment of birth, and even after birth in the case of racist Ralph Northam.”

That leads to a few questions. One, why would Cheese Reporter know where Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.) stood on an abortion bill? Two, why would Cheese Reporter care? Three, why would the RNCC care whether Cheese Reporter cares? And four, what does Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s blackface incident have to do with any of this????


Here’s how an associate editor at Cheese Reporter, Moira Crowley, responded to Atchinson, according to the screenshot Atchinson shared.

“Hey, Carly – Hope you don’t get raped at a MAGA rally and have to carry that child to term. DON’T EVER CONTACT ME AGAIN.”

Well, that’s fucked up.

In the wake of the tweet going viral, Cheese Reporter, however, said the employee’s email had been hacked.


When contacted by the Washington Examiner via that same email address, Crowley reportedly told the Washington Examiner a similar tale:  “Our email has been compromised and the message is fake.”

Now, it’s highly (highly!) unlikely that someone hacked an email at Cheese Reporter and responded specifically to that email.

Really, Cheese Reporter took the coward’s way out here, which is a shame, because the publication has previously published woke takes, speaking out about the plight of Brazilian cheese farmers and the burden of crushing regulations. The publication can take a stance on abortion, even if it doesn’t exactly support its employee’s harsh rhetoric.


Instead, Cheese Reporter is asking to be excluded from the narrative it started.

It seems Cheese Reporter only wants to talk about cheese.

