
Your zodiac sign in love: A brief guide to romantic compatibility

What’s love astrology got to do with it?!

Photo of Beck Diaz

Beck Diaz

Photo of Marisa Losciale

Marisa Losciale

zodiac sign compatibility

Zodiac sign compatibility doesn’t just make for good millennial meme content. It’s a piece of history! Astrology, the 12 signs, and horoscope predictions have been around for over 2,000 years. But with the technological advances of the 21st century, discovering your birth chart and horoscopes no longer require a visit to your local psychic.

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Popular astrology apps and online publications have reinvented the zodiac wheel. Now anyone can read their horoscopes and receive insight from resident astrologers without having to put much thought into it. Costar, the astrology and horoscope app launched in 2017, now boasts over 700,000 downloads on both iPhone and Android. It generates an estimated $30,000 per month. Easier access to astrology readings has only increased their popularity. However, even though services like these consistently report high traffic and user engagement, for many, understanding the specifics of the zodiac is still a challenge. 

While some assume that horoscopes are solely influenced by the general zodiac sign assigned to their birth month, this is quite the faux pas. Astrology and horoscopes go much deeper than just the characteristics of an individual’s birth month.

Understanding your zodiac sign compatibility 

Deciphering the specifics of your sign in love isn’t the straightforward prediction you may think of it as. There are many factors to consider in order for a reading to be accurate. Not only do we defer to the zodiac signs, but to the planets, their aspects (or positional relationships), and houses in which they fall, just to name a few. So for those trying to uncover the romantic side of themselves or someone else, you’ll have to consider more than just the sun sign.


Six major considerations for zodiac compatibility are the sun sign, the rising sign, the moon sign, the Venus sign, and Mercury and Mars signs. These luminaries are a few of the biggest keys to unlocking your immediate and lasting compatibility. 

Sun sign

Your sun sign is based on the month you were born. This is what people are usually referring to when they make comments like “I’m a Taurus.” The sun sign usually determines your ego, identity, and sense of self. This sign is the core of who you are and most likely dictates your priorities and how you live your life. Sun sign compatibility is what people mean when they say things like “the Britney and Justin denim ‘fit is classic Sagittarius/Aquarius pairing!”


Rising sign

Rising sign compatibility is one of the most often overlooked factors by baby astrologers. This mistake is a fatal flaw if you ask me because your rising sign offers more detailed intricacies about you than your sun sign. Your rising sign, or “ascendant sign,” is determined by the sign that falls in your first house. A lot of people interpret this sign as the “mask” you wear. Or the first impression that you make with people. But that’s not completely accurate. The rising sign is indicative of the way you carry yourself and your personality, so it essentially makes up who you are on the surface.

When you read a horoscope, you should be reading for your Ascendant (or rising sign). This is because your Ascendant falls in or on the cusp of your first house, which lays out how the rest of your chart looks. Sun sign-focused astrology wasn’t around until R.H. Naylor decided newspapers needed a more simplified system in 1930. And as you may or may not know, the practice of astrology is much, much older than that. That said, reading for your sun sign isn’t completely wrong but it’s not as accurate of a forecast as reading for your Ascendant.


Moon sign

The moon sign is determined by the position of the moon at the time you were born. It represents your moods, emotions, and inner needs and is most connected with your true nature. This sign dictates your intuition and self-talk. A lot of times people find their moon sign to be the one they identify with the most.

Venus sign


Your Venus sign is the zodiac sign that the planet Venus was in at the time of your birth. It dictates your love language and affection, as well as your relationship with art and nature. This sign shows how you most likely express and understand love. It can also determine what kind of partner you will be most attracted to by influencing what traits you find to be admirable and attractive.

Mars sign

Your Mars sign is the zodiac sign that the planet Mars was in at the time of your birth. Mars’ impact can be sketched as the strategizer. This planet determines how you deal with anger, power, assertion, and breakups. Mars is also representative of your sex life and how you pursue goals. When trying to determine sexual compatibility, your sign in Mars is extremely influential. 


Mercury sign

Illustration of Mercury in astrology.

The sign Mercury was in at the time you were born decides your communication style, how you get from Point A to Point B, and your overall nature. Are you loud? Soft spoken? Easily overwhelmed? Blame this planet. Mercury is also responsible for our thought processes, self-talk, and habits.

Zodiacs in love: What are the compatible signs?

This seems to be the question everyone wants answers to, so let me preface it like this: astrology is meant to guide you, not decide for you. So if your zodiac makeup and that of your current love interest are traditionally said to be incompatible, don’t lose hope or break up with them just yet. These are just my interpretations of the signs, their strengths, and their weaknesses. So maybe take it with a grain of salt?


Going off of that, this list is merely a surface level view of partnerships. Meaning, the analysis applies to any of the personal placements (the sun/moon/rising/Venus/Mercury/Mars) but how it’s expressed depends on the responsibility of the planet involved. If you want to read more about a specific sign, make sure you check in with our upcoming sign-specific compatibility series or skip to the bottom for recommendations on where to get a love compatibility reading. Or if you need to find your (or your partner’s) birth chart, I recommend using’s AstroClick Portrait feature.


Aries people are known for being natural leaders, so it shouldn’t surprise you that they usually don’t pair well with other headstrong signs or people that tend to be homebodies. It doesn’t mean they’re bossy or intolerable, so quit calling them that!


How they express love: Quality time, bonding through activities, passionate emotion, and physical touch.

Most compatible: Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo, and Aquarius

Least compatible: Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn



Oh how I love your comfort-first mentality, Taurus. Y’all radiate confidence and know exactly what it is you need, whether you realize it or not. You may consider yourself a hopeless romantic and struggle to find autonomy, but that’s just Venus’ grip talking. You need someone who can get down with you, but also remind you to get out there and strut your stuff.

How they express love: Physical touch, creating a safe space for you to express your emotions, gifts, and romantic gestures.


Most compatible signs: Cancer, Capricorn, and Pisces

Least compatible signs: Aquarius, Virgo, and Sagittarius



If dating was a sport, Geminis would be the gold medal champs. Is it because they can make themselves the center of attention in a socially acceptable manner? Or just their fun, energetic, and outgoing personality? All I know is if you’ve ever had the pleasure of dating a Gemini, then you know it’s all fun and games until someone (you) gets hurt. For whatever reason, Geminis are attracted by the entire zodiac. They radiate magnetism! This is why Geminis need someone who can keep them on their toes. They may be fabulous at self-regulating their emotions, but if you’re a bore, they’ll want to go look for new amusement. And since they’re so attractive, it’s an easy move for them to make.

How they express love: Words of affirmation, quality time, deep conversations, movie and game nights.

Most compatible signs: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, and Sagittarius

Least compatible signs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces



Cancers have such a bad rep when it comes to dating. But they have no one to blame but themselves! Sure, they’re sensitive, thoughtful, and highly protective. But they can also be loyal to a fault––especially if they’ve been hurt before and haven’t put the time or effort in to recover. Then they’re loyal to themselves and no one else. Pretty cutthroat! So if you’re crushing on a Cancer, or happen to be one reading this, I’m sorry. Pain isn’t inevitable, but sometimes it’s worth it?


How they express love: Physical touch, gifting, making sure your emotional needs are met, deep conversations.

Most compatible signs: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces

Least compatible signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius



Leo, leo, leo. While many love astrology horoscopes deem you as loving the limelight, that’s not always true, is it? You may radiate confidence but your self-talk tells a very different story. That’s why you need someone capable of verbalizing just how warm your authentic self can be. And when it comes to relationships, you love to give more than you receive. So someone who’s delighted to express their appreciation is also a must!

How they express love: Grand gestures, gifts, physical touch, and quality time.


Most compatible signs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Cancer

Least compatible signs: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces



Virgos don’t fall in love often, but when they do, it’s the real deal. So if you make it past their tenuous judgments you’re in the clear. Virgos pride themselves on following through on all their undertakings, but it’s the anticipation of commitment that throws them off. Since they don’t like to quit easily, it also means they won’t commit to something (or in this case, someone) right away––even if they really like you! The key to winning over a Virgo is patience and flexibility. Virgos are the exemplar of what it means to be a mutable sign. The more they learn, the more their opinions and emotions sway. Virgos are best suited with a partner who is able to keep up with their ever-changing plans, someone who’s able to unwrap their emotions, has a knack for spontaneity, and an appreciation for even the finest details.

How they express love: Acts of kindness, words of affirmation, and quality time.

Most compatible signs: Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, and Virgo

Least compatible signs: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius



If you think Libras are the flirt of the zodiac, think again. While it’s a bit cliche to consider them to be players, Libras don’t toy with people’s emotions because they love the chase or instant validation of wooing. It’s because deep down, these people are super soft hopeless romantics who pressure themselves to act out a dramatic love story. Sorry, Libra, but what you see on the Hallmark Channel should stay on the Hallmark Channel. Quit rifling through your options with only the intention of finding your soulmate and enjoy what’s in front of you! Love comes in different forms and by exonerating yourself from those lessons, you’re just living an ignorant life. I’m done roasting y’all, I swear. But promise to do yourself a favor, Libra, and find a partner that’s artistic (or at least art-appreciative), open-minded, full of life, and unapologetically authentic.


How they express love: Compliments, words of affirmation, physical touch, and romantic gestures.

Most compatible signs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius

Least compatible signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio



Scorpio leads the charge in relationships. They’re brave, mysterious, a bit stubborn, and throw caution to the wind when it comes to love. Although Scorpios are described as being secretive, if they like you, they’re actually rather transparent. Scorpios are better at keeping other people’s secrets than they are their own, and that’s because they hate dishonesty. Although secret-keeping and lying are very different concepts, it’s the deception of not being entirely truthful that rubs Scorpio the wrong way.

But what they hate more than dishonesty is passive avoidance. Scorpio needs a partner that’s not afraid to tell it like it is and is a sweet talker. Because like Aries, Scorpio is ruled by Mars. So if you don’t say what you mean (or mean what you say) prepare to face the brunt of a scorned Scorpio.


How they express love: Words of affirmation, sharing secrets, deep conversations, extreme passion.

Most compatible signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces

Least compatible signs: Gemini, Leo, and Libra



Sagittarius are the clowns of the zodiac, and I mean that from both a negative and positive standpoint. Their sense of humor comes as a coping mechanism for their inability to decipher a red flag from a rose. So just make sure you laugh with them through their pain and not at them. That said, for a relationship with a Sag to be prosperous they need a partner who can match their energy. The ideal partner for a Sagittarius is one that’s open-minded and free-spirited, but rational. Sagittarius isn’t known for being the most level headed steed in the shed, so they would benefit from someone else steering the ship every now and then. But if you’re too closed off or calculated, stay out of the Archer’s way or be prepared to be shot down.

How they express love: Cheesy jokes, taking action (like planning a vacation for both of you), quality time and deep conversations.


Most compatible signs: Gemini, Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius

Least compatible signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio



Capricorns are the true boss bitches of the Zodiac. I don’t care what anyone says. If you pick a fight with a Capricorn you better be ready to flog a dead horse. Although Virgos have the rep for being a smartass, Capricorns truly have us beat. They can be know-it-alls and relentlessly unforgiving. For all that know a Capricorn, this comes as no shock. But they’re not all monsters. Capricorns do have some redeeming traits, like their discipline and self-control. So if you get on their bad side, you have nobody to blame but yourself! However, Capricorn’s condescending and pessimistic instinct can be too much for some people to handle. This is why Capricorns need someone who’s in tune with their sensitive side and emotionally intelligent. In other words, Capricorns need a fire to defrost their cold hearts.

How they express love: Physical touch, spending quality time together, making or sharing traditions with you, and prioritizing you over their work life.

Most compatible signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces

Least compatible signs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius



Aquarius signs are the trendsetters and visionaries. Their originality can’t be copied but boy, oh boy, do people try! All of this bonafide progressive energy is exactly why people are drawn to them. I would go as far as saying Aquarians can put people under a spell by just simply existing. However, this authenticity comes at a price––an emotional toll, if you will. Since Aquarians tend to lean into the more eccentric side of things, they struggle with the normie side of life. Confronting their own emotions is not a strong suit, which leads them to be temperamental at times.


Nevertheless, they’re fabulous listeners and humanitarians at heart so they have no issue walking you through your emotional turmoil. Just don’t expect them to offer themselves that same courtesy––even though they should! Because of their outrageous temperament, Aquarians would benefit most from a partner that’s just as open-minded as they are and is dedicated to living their truth.

How they express love: Quality time, intellectual conversations, offering help, dates that involve exploration and adventures.

Most compatible signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra

Least compatible signs: Taurus, Capricorn, and Pisces



Commonly referred to as the artists of the zodiac, Pisceans are the people who will gift you a mixtape on your second date. They’re not afraid to be emotional and that’s not always a good thing. Pisces’ strengths are also their greatest weakness. While they’re no stranger to intense feelings, if they don’t learn how to regulate their emotions they will eventually succumb to them. It’s why they’re so drawn to the artistic expression! Not only does it come naturally to them, but it’s also highly beneficial for their psyche. Other than having healthy outlets, Pisceans would also benefit from a partner that doesn’t see vulnerability as a fault, is spiritual, and enjoys art and animals as much as they do.


How they express love: Gifts, romantic gestures, quality time, and sharing their art (or their favorite artists) with you.

Most compatible signs: Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio

Least compatible signs: Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Aries


For more information on these planets and luminaries relating to your romance or relationship, or if you just want to find your or your partner’s chart, these sites can help!


If you’re looking for deeper insight from a reputable astrologer into your relationship or love life, Kasamba has got you covered. Since 1999, Kasamba’s psychics have guided over three million people down their paths via psychic readings, tarot readings, astrology readings, and more. With over 80 resident psychic profiles complete with ratings, reviews, photos, and respective rates, finding your perfect psychic match has never been easier. It’s important to note that the psychics on Kasamba all charge per minute, and while some rates can be as high as $30 per minute, many go as low as $5 per minute. However, when starting a session with a new advisor, Kasamba awards its members with three free chat minutes to ensure that they find the right match. 



zodiac sign compatibility

What I love about Keen is its clean and concise platform. This set up allows for easy navigation when searching for your perfect reader. The site’s services range from basic readings to predictions focused on your love life and relationships. There is even a section for handpicked specialists focusing on more niche readings. As long as you have a price range and availability in mind, matching with a reader is a breeze thanks to all the built-in filtering options. Users can even view top-rated and trending advisors with the click of a button. So if you’re new to this and don’t trust yourself to find a reliable reader, let Keen do it for you.

For those looking for straightforward and insightful material, Keen’s articles and blog posts cover almost all astrology-related topics. The blog features an advisory council that can be every bit as rewarding as chatting to an advisor in real-time. With Keen’s network of over 1,000 trusted advisors, you’ll be sure to find the answers you’re looking for. 



Mecca Woods decided to open her Astro coaching practice after having applied the same practices to better her own life. Woods has professionally trained at the Rebecca Gordon Astrology Mentorship Program and now has dedicated herself to teaching others how to better tap into their own natural-born gifts. Her work is featured in publications like Bustle, Girlboss, Refinery 29, and more. And her horoscopes are sure to be insightful and easy to understand. If you want a personal reading from her, you will need to get a head start on the calendar and book in advance. Her schedule for the rest of 2020 is completely booked. So run over to MyLifeCreated and hop on the waitlist to secure a spot for next year! While you’re there, browse through the monthly horoscopes made available through her site.



Created by renowned astrologist Cam White, this site offers various consultations given by White himself. With a background in Pagan witchcraft and traditional astrology, Cam has synthesized both practices together to be able to give “the most literal and easily understood interpretations” during your session. The biggest plus to seeking out Cam as a potential advisor is he’s just as good at making predictions as he is helping you understand it. Just check out one of his many YouTube videos to see what I mean! Getting a sense of his practices and outlook will be a lot easier and can result in a more symbiotic relationship and better advisement.  

Charm Astrology & Tarot

If you’re interested in more than just star sign compatibility and the basics of astrology, Charm Torres is exactly the reader you need. She has been working as a professional astrologer since 2018 and has all the certifications to prove it. But her experience with astrology spans more than just these last two years. She started a formal mentorship in 2016 and completed multiple levels of curriculum including the foundations of humanistic and psychological astrology, modern predictive and relationship techniques. Before her journey into professional astrology services, Charm was actually a registered nurse in Ontario. Clearly, she has a passion for helping others! Charm offers more than just birth chart and astrology-specific readings, too. In addition to these zodiac-related readings, she offers tarot readings on a sliding scale.


Patrick Watson

Patrick Watson is a professional astrologer based in Arizona but he’s originally from the UK. He’s been practicing astrology since he was 15 years old and his talents speak for themselves. Watson has worked alongside renowned astrologers like Chris Brennan and in the spring of 2012, Watson and Brennan publicly issued an accurate prediction that Barack Obama would win the 2012 US presidential elections. Most recently, he accurately predicted the day of President Trump’s concession. By day, he is a music teacher, by night he is an astrologer, blogger, researcher, and astrology tutor!



With a background in social work and psychology, Jake makes sure to handle sensitive topics delicately and with compassion. As a gay white man who attended an HBCU to study social work, Jake has made it known that he feels comfortable discussing topics relating to race and racism. And in an effort to dismantle gender roles and heteronormativity, he has removed gendered language from his astrology practice. You just can’t say that about anyone! Jake offers multiple types of readings from natal charts to horary questions and everything in between. His prices are pretty affordable too. So regardless of your price range, Jake wants you to have access to professional-level guidance. His services begin at $30 and continue into the $100 range.


StarsMoonandSun is a great site to find fun yet educational information on the zodiac and corresponding horoscopes. Here you can delve further into the science of astrology, with articles covering natal charts, cusps, eclipses, and retrogrades. Plus, if you need a little break from the deeper sciences about the governance of the stars, StarsMoonandSun has some star-studded entertainment for you. Freely enjoy piping hot tea about your favorite celebs horoscope and charts. 


Astrology Zone

Home to the world-famous author and astrologer Susan Miller, AstrologyZone is a favorite for more than 17 million readers. Here you’ll find personalized and accurate horoscopes. Her predictions are so precise that she has earned accreditation by the International Society for Astrological Research. Don’t just take our word for it, though. Miller’s work can be found in countless publications and influential circles that praise her faultlessness.

As AstrologyZone celebrates its twenty-fourth anniversary, its fan base has only grown. Each year, it serves 200 million page views to over 11 million readers, and for those readers, Miller personally writes between 30,000 to 48,000 words per month. If you’re looking for scarily prophetic daily and monthly horoscopes, joining AstrologyZone should be a no-brainer. While monthly horoscopes are free to view on the site, those in search of more constant and thorough insight should look into subscribing to one of the many plans available. 



Formerly known as Hollywood Psychic, PathForward is not your average psychic services website. While PathForward does have a devoted psychic line for individuals who want to buy a reading, what it specializes in is providing customers with intuitive life coaches and spiritual healers. For those looking for some motivation and insight, PathForward might be one of the best places to begin! The welcome offer available to all new customers is almost too good to pass up on, too. One dollar per minute packages start at $10. And when you confirm your email address within 24 hours of your first purchase, you’ll enjoy an extra five dollar reward bonus! 

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